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Majestic Ash Trees

Majestic Ash Trees

We have two Ash trees in our garden which I'm very fond of. They provide some much needed shade during the summer. We've had them pollarded once since we moved here - think they need doing again, but I'm reluctant due to the Ash die back...

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i read up on pollarded...:-) striking trees...

16 Oct, 2013


Thanks Jane! When we had them cut back last time, they looked a bit sad with a lot of trunk and bare branches showing - no leaves until they recovered. There are a lot of Ash tree's in gardens around here. The trunks are a fair thickness - I wouldn't like to guess their age, but it would be very sad if we were hit by the Ash die back. I haven't heard anything about it recently though... Is that a good or a bad sign?

16 Oct, 2013


well i do not know enough to say really... they talk about making woodlands resilient to it (the disease ) that would take time!!! resilient trees!!! the disease it seems is mainly in woodlands??? i think what happens is the stronger trees survive!!! and from them they develop more resilient ones...or the trees do it for themselves over time...i would imagine both ways possible...
any how if the information i have read is the latest it seems its spreading..but woodlands are only mentioned...

this bit you properly know:- Continent indicates that it kills young ash trees very quickly, while older trees tend to resist it for some time until prolonged exposure causes them to succumb as well.... PROLONGED EXPOSURE!!! if that's not happening then that's good!! right ???

when they fined the disease they ‘quarantine’ it...

and the The Forestry Commission England are most helpful if you need may be your type of ash are not going to get the disease anyway...

it could be also no other out breaks :-))))) that's good if so :-))))

from jane...

16 Oct, 2013


ps:- no news good news they say..just contact The Forestry Commission England...they will help if you need reassuring :-)))))

16 Oct, 2013


Petaltracey, We have the same problem here in the US. We also have the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer - another plague attacking our Ash Trees.

16 Oct, 2013


Thanks for all the information Jane, I will be keeping my eye on my Ashes over the Winter...:o)))

Haven't heard of Emerald Ash Borer Bathgate - Sounds nasty...

17 Oct, 2013


welcome :-))))

17 Oct, 2013


so breath ta-kingly beautiful..

25 Jan, 2014


I was trying to be a bit creative in the way I photographed these Jane - You've inspired me to have a go! ;o)

26 Jan, 2014


Really? well i just thought you were a natural :-) honest..
its quite funny really the way we look at things and think WOW! how beautiful that never accrues to us that it can be caught on camera the same way....until that is we really sit down and think about it :-) well thats how it was/is for me.... you see things in a lovely way nice to see them through your eyes..i get the feeling you have a passion for trees or at the very least these trees..

26 Jan, 2014


Thanks Jane :) I'll admit I really love trees and the different leaf shapes and colours.
I'm very lucky to beable to look out onto the Silver Birches from my bed! I like nothing more than to see the sun rise reflected onto the bark (like this morning) The moment doesn't last for very long... and then (when) the sun shines in the early morning onto the leaves, with a bright blue sky and the wind is blowing... Well it's all truly amazing and to be honest I don't believe that a camera, no matter how good it is, can capture that! It's all in your minds eye! I just love it all... ;o))))

26 Jan, 2014


i *wood* agree ;-D

26 Jan, 2014


;D from me!

26 Jan, 2014

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