The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Golden Trollius

Golden Trollius (Trollius chinensis)

Another garden member who is a bit smaller than before the move. The spot here ended up hot and dry and with the crown sitting a little high it wasn't the happiest, but still bloomed. I'm hoping a more normal summer and some deep luching will help it next year.

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It looks perked up against the green of the spot it's in. In order for me to understand your reference to your "move" I'm going to have to dig a bit deeper in your site. I'm looking forward to "trying" to catch up!!

26 Oct, 2013


You'll see I'm sure, but I lifted the whole garden and moved about 1 block onto the hilltop. Thank you. Trollius thrive here, but mine has never really done super well. Last years season was so full, I'm just comparing.

28 Oct, 2013

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This photo is of species Trollius chinensis.

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