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Caesalpinia gilliesii syn Poinciana gilliesii


By Terry60

Caesalpinia gilliesii syn Poinciana gilliesii

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beautiful photo terry

12 Jul, 2008


This looks very unusual. What is it ?

12 Jul, 2008



12 Jul, 2008


Blodyn and Buzzbee - I've honestly no idea - I love the countryside and plants but know very little about them from a technical point of view. Can anyone else help?

14 Jul, 2008


Wow...! what a great shot. It's so vibrant ! Oh.., by the way, incase you're still wondering, (someone's probably already sent you a private message telling you what it,it's a Caesalpinia Giliesii, Bird of Paradise Shrub.

19 Jul, 2008


Thanks Flcrazy - I've since found out that the locals call it Japanese Mimosa

21 Jul, 2008


Yes , Caesalpinia gilliesii syn Poinciana gilliesii , has several different common names, glad to hear you've figured out which one is most used in your area.

21 Jul, 2008


Just the name sounds like it has quite a history...

23 Jul, 2008


I don't believe this, my comment has disappeared! I must have been so boggled that I forgot to submit it. What can I remember of what I said?
: onto favourites
a work of art
striking and unusual colour combinations

9 Apr, 2010

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