Greetings from Costello
By Bathgate

7 Jan, 2014
Costello is comical cat. I rescued him at 4 months old and now he wears a lion's mane.
Comments on this photo
LOL Thank You Sandra!
7 Jan, 2014
A contented companion Paul..:o)
7 Jan, 2014
my friend next door to me has a few cats two in fact she did have three but sadly one died, these cat (the three) were rescued from a parking lot in Boston USA, when she moved back to the UK the cats came too!well not straight away they had to go into quarantine first.
Costello looks just like one of the remaining two, to be honest one would quite easily mistake the two as twins :-)
its quite unreal really and humours as well.
needless to say Costello is one cool cat ;-)
8 Jan, 2014
What an interesting story Marybells. Thanks for sharing it. I'm sure the cats are happy in their new home in UK. If her cat is anything like Costello, I'm sure she loves him very much. He's a keeper. :)
8 Jan, 2014
she sure does she brought them home with her and it was not cheap to do :-) money not a issue.
8 Jan, 2014
I'm sure he paid her back with kitty kisses. :)
8 Jan, 2014
no he tells her whose boss and complains all the time ;-) love unconditional from
8 Jan, 2014
Costello's lovely, Bathgate. He looks like our Rufus. (He has a ruff too...) It's raining up here...and icy...what kind of storm is approaching N.Y.S? We usually get what you get eventually.
15 Jan, 2014
Thanks Lorilyn: Yeh, Costello grew into a real looker. He's always making me laugh and he knows it. The storm already passed. We had a real nasty blizzard and were buried in over 2 feet of snow with temps 20 below freezing. but I think you just get the rain version. Say hi to Rufus for me. Would love to see of pic of him sometime. happy new year.
15 Jan, 2014
thanks Bathgate, hope your year improves weatherwise. Have a pic of Rufus and did a blog when he was a kitten.Will post his New Year's Pic with dad, if I am able. Can't seem to download to GoY..maybe it's the weather. jk ;-)
17 Jan, 2014
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Hello Costello..what beautiful eyes you have..and a lovely thick coat to keep you warm,in your cold weather..cuddle up to Paul,and stay cosy :o)
7 Jan, 2014