plantings in colorful Mexican village
By Klahanie
- 17 Jan, 2014
Comments on this photo
Love the pots!!
17 Jan, 2014
:-) Thanks
17 Jan, 2014
Colourful back ground , Klahanie .
17 Jan, 2014
Yes Driad, they like their colours vivid around here.
17 Jan, 2014
I like it! :-)
17 Jan, 2014
17 Jan, 2014
I like the Yautia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium). It can grow massive proportion here in the ground only, though.
27 Jan, 2014
Yes, I have seen it huge around here too Delonix. I like the big leaves but seems like one have to have a lots of space for it. Do you have one?
27 Jan, 2014
Yes, I have one that struggles in my front lawn. For some reason mine stays small. Probably from lack of water and good soil. Around water they can get gigantic.
Here's one growing outside at the San Diego Zoo. It's growing along the water where the hippos are located.
28 Jan, 2014
Pretty neat leaves.
29 Jan, 2014
Yes, neat leaves that can grow to 8' long. The whole plant can grow to more than 12' tall.
30 Jan, 2014
One of the cacti looks like an Opuntia. Believe it or not they grow in parts of southern Ontario and withstand snow and frost. Love the amazing. I found taro in one of the fancy grocery stores in Ottawa...I'm thinking of buying some to plant in pots to sink in my pond this summer... I realize that it's what I've heard called "agricultural" and probably treated to resist budding or rooting...but as it's reasonably priced I thought it was worth a try.
5 Feb, 2014
Hi Lori,
Oputina grows in Alberta as well. I hated them when we went camping.
I'd like to grow the elephant's ear plant as well but I think it would be a deer food on our property. Good luck with yours.
6 Feb, 2014
I was just thinking that you probably could grow viburnum and hydrangea amazingly well on the island, Klahanie. Do you have any? I had V. trilobum and V. arrowood and they were quick growing and flowered beautifully. The fruit of the trilobum and shiny red and pretty..but horrendous tasting. The birds didn't even eat them! I want to establish some here but I'm wondering about the deer.
6 Feb, 2014
Yes Lori, I have a mature Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum and deer will nibble the bottom, but cannot do too much damage but it strips all my hydrengeas:-(
I like Viburnum trilobum Lori, but for some reason it is not so popular on the Island. Do not some people make jelly from those red berries?
8 Feb, 2014
It's common name is highbush cranberry...but I know from experience that the berries are not sour like regular cranberries..they are extremely bitter. I planted it with hopes that cardinals might come to eat the berries; Didn't berry eating birds would touch them! I tasted them and even after they had been frozen: (freezing sometimes sweetens fruit if frozen on the vine) they are disgusting!
12 Feb, 2014
How long do you have this bush Lori? Maybe it will smarten up with age (like all of us) Maybe it needs a hotter summer? We do not have hot summers on the Island. The ocean "effect" I guess..... as not having a cold winters.
15 Feb, 2014
We moved three years ago (NewYears) and my hydrangeas and viburnums were too large to bring. If they are still there they must be huge by now...the V.trilobum was 10 ft tall then...and the arrowood was 15 ft. tall...and very bushy.(there are pics on here from 2009 or 10) Have found the V.trilobum growing wild in the well as some of the wilder types of honeysuckle, but that is farther south from here.
I'm positive that the berries are true to specie...they, perhaps, could be used in a syrup...but they are too bitter to eat.
The summers in Cornwall, On. were extremely hot and for the last couple of summers, very dry and my garden was enclosed by a tall fence which made a mini-climate. Things thrived there that absolutely will not grow here. ex: Sambucas niger We have about 3 acres cleared the rest in forest. Have plans for an enclosure at the south end of the house which may mean that I can have some viburnums there.
15 Feb, 2014
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That is very good.
17 Jan, 2014