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The First of Many!


By Meanie

The First of Many! (Clerodendrum ugandense (Blue glory bower))

Every year I play a game with my Clerodendrum ugandense. I leave it out until it has taken a couple of frosts and then bring it indoors. The frost killed foliage withers and falls off and then the whole shrub starts to put out new growth. A few weeks later it is in bloom. In a week it will be spectacular!

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Game on ;o)

17 Jan, 2014


That's great! These are in full bloom here in San Diego.

18 Jan, 2014


Thanks guys!

Do they struggle in the dry weather in San Diego Delonix?

19 Jan, 2014


They seem to tolerate pretty dry conditions well. However, with this being said: I'll have to see how they look after this potentially record dry spell. It's predicted we will have no rainfall this January in San Diego. This will be the first time this has happened since 1976 , during the severe California drought of 1976 - 1978. I remember the extremely strict water-rationing we went through at that time in the San Francisco Bay Area.

20 Jan, 2014


Not good.

20 Jan, 2014


Not good at all!

21 Jan, 2014


Aww! That's beautiful!

24 Jan, 2014


Thanks Pita!

25 Jan, 2014


It's a beautiful colour blue :o)

26 Jan, 2014


And the colour remains true even in the low light levels that it's getting at the moment.

26 Jan, 2014


What a cracking little beauty Meanie...

26 Jan, 2014


Thanks DD!

26 Jan, 2014



5 Feb, 2014


Thanks Lori - it is one of my favourites!

5 Feb, 2014

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This photo is of "Clerodendrum Ugandense" in Meanie's garden

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