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had a visit from a new friend; it made several determined efforts to get in, but I managed to head it off. Gave it some milk as compensation for not letting it adopt me!

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What a furry cat ... he/she will be back for more!

22 Jan, 2014


s/he was! and made even more determined efforts to get in: I think I'm going to need a gate at the back door when I have it open in summer: I think it'll be easier for it to get in than for me to get it out. Given its long coat isn't in bad order, it must have a house already - if it were feral I'm sure the coat would be a lot more matted and dirty.

22 Jan, 2014


It's just checking out the new kid on the block!

22 Jan, 2014


ha ha! that cat is like Janey's. it has a really grumpy face! ;))

22 Jan, 2014


lol that's cos I blocked the doorway with my foot to stop it getting in at least three times,a nd fobbed it off with a saucer of milk!

you're probably right, Shirley - checking me out, seeing how soft a touch I mgiht be. well, it's found out where I draw the line - milk yes, come in, no!

23 Jan, 2014


Full of character that face, looks like a bossy sort of a moggy. I wonder why these wanderers are so often long hairs? Looks like you might get the same probs as me with wandering cats. I don't feed them either Fran but the sad ginger one insisted on hanging around the place.

23 Jan, 2014


haven't seen a single cat since we moved here!

23 Jan, 2014


the second time it visited i saw it hop over the fence from next door - doesnt' necessarily mean that it lives there, of course, maybe it was just patrolling. I don't want to encourage it too much, as i do want to encourage birds.

24 Jan, 2014


yes, me too Fran. I'm glad there aren't any cats here for that reason. We had a lot of cats on the housing estate.

24 Jan, 2014


it's the only one I've seen so far, which doesn't mean much, of course! but I'll have to place my feeders etc with an eye to what it might get up to

25 Jan, 2014


Or nab it quick and put a bell on it's collar!

25 Jan, 2014


I did wonder why it wasn't belled already; not even sure if it had a collar - coat so thick, not easy to see. maybe the owners wouldn't want it belled - but in that case they shouldn't let it out! Cats do what cats do, it's their nature - all we can do is let birds and other small animals know they're about.

25 Jan, 2014


Yes, agreed! :)

25 Jan, 2014


It's a very up market cat, & probably cost its owner a lot of money. I expect it is micro chipped, hence no collar.Birds are usually safe from cats when they are fed from feeders up off the ground & if there aren't any bushy plants underneath, so they can see anything creeping up on them. I feed the birds & have a cat too. No problem, tho' rodents a different matter!

25 Jan, 2014


It would be a very up-town cat round here - lol no doubt slumming by visiting such a plebian garden!

I inherited a bird feeder station, which I've put back more or less where it was before (it was taken down during the tidy up before I moved in) I don't know if the previous tenant found that to be the best place, I've recharged all my feeders and put them out, but not noticed any visitors yet. Maybe it's just the wrong time of year .

Fingers crossed no rodents, at least, not seen any yet, and hope I don't!!!

25 Jan, 2014


I named him Gandalf.

17 Feb, 2014


lol nice one! but maybe before he got rpmoted - would you call this one Grey or White?? or maybe a bit of each

17 Feb, 2014


Gandalf was white, as you know. :-)

17 Feb, 2014


lol he started off as Gandalf the Grey ...

18 Feb, 2014


You are right!

18 Feb, 2014


Saw another visitor yesterday - sleek black cat. That hast o be Bagheera!

19 Feb, 2014


Hahaha. Oh, yes! Kipling.

20 Feb, 2014


The handsome furry cat (looks Persian) is just being nosy - as you know "curiosity killed the cat".
Last year we had a very handsome glossy black cat with the greenest eyes & a big ginger one too that would wander thru. One of them, I suspect the ginger, had several pigeons. I would rush out waving my arms shouting PFFSSSSTTTT! as I chased it out, lol.
Haven't seen any cats this year - funny that....

13 Aug, 2015


By the way, Fran, we have had in fields around us cougar. I have heard her noises (hardly to definy them) last Sunday in night on the field in front of our house. It probably escaped. It is circulating in area of about 50 square kilometres, so it was seen in three villages. Another one was seen 100 km from here, maybe the same one. Definitely, to meet a cougar at the balcony is less pleasant, then Gandalf, hahaha.

14 Aug, 2015

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