Hooded oriole (Icterus cucullatus)
By Klahanie
- 23 Jan, 2014
regular visitor to our hummingbird feeder.
Comments on this photo
Stunning , you must have a very good camera ? :0)
23 Jan, 2014
This is my favorite Oriole. We have 4 different kinds coming to drink our hummingbird nectar.
I have several different cameras Cmsue.... from one very cheap to some decent ones. Thank you.
24 Jan, 2014
Fantastic birds you have around. Thanks for showing them to us.
27 Jan, 2014
Thank you. The birds around here are wonderful Feverfew. We are enjoying it tremendously.
27 Jan, 2014
Wow! that is an excellent shot, Klahanie! Love the oriole's song...so melodic and sweet. I think it's my fav, running very close to the Cardinal in second spot.
28 Jan, 2014
fantastic colours.
29 Jan, 2014
Hooded oriole thank you Lorilyn and Milky for your compliments..
29 Jan, 2014
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Beautiful bird...
23 Jan, 2014