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Daphne odora 'Aureo-marginata'

Daphne odora 'Aureo-marginata' (Daphne odora (Daphne))

Looks much better this year than last year. Last year the flowers were white and flowers started opening early December. This year has been much colder and I haven't been heating the sunroom above 45F. Nice to have fragrant blooms indoors when wind chills are -20 to -30 outdoors!

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That is Attractive, do you intend to keep it in a container long term

29 Jan, 2014


Beautiful :)

29 Jan, 2014


Beautiful. Will it grow in a container permanently?

29 Jan, 2014



29 Jan, 2014


I am going to keep it in a container as long as it survives, the winters here are far too cold for growing it outdoors so it's really my only option. It is pretty easy to grow in a container too but they never fill out as nicely as they do in the ground. I've had this one for 2 years and my other one for 3 years, the other one probably won't flower until March or April because of where I have it.

29 Jan, 2014



Ordered a few days ago Daphne x Susan 'Cheriton' for delivery end of February.

30 Jan, 2014


That's a really nice daphne, do you have any Daphne x susannae? I have 'Lawrence Crocker' and it never stops blooming from Spring-Fall. The flowers are VERY fragrant and it's easy to grow. When can you begin planting there?

7 Feb, 2014


Yes I spelt it wrong the other Susannae I have is Susannae x 'Tichborne'
Probably end of march is sensible but depends what it is.
Most things would rot in the ground right now all the snow you have had ended up as rain this side of the pond.

7 Feb, 2014

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This photo is of "Daphne odora 'Aureo-marginata'" in Rkwright's garden

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