Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postil’ AGM
By Oliveoil

31 Jan, 2014
After years of waiting - this is one of several buds on the bush. It died back after I bought it and I thought it was never going to flower, but just shows you should always live in hope. It sprutted and grew year by year and I was so excited to see this bud on the tip of the branches.
Comments on this photo
This is one shrub I have never had, Barbara and keep meaning to get one, although here in this smaller garden would have to go in a pot and I expect the rest of the year, they are quite insignificant! The perfume is supposed to be lovely, isn't it ! This looks like its going to be a lovely colour too !
31 Jan, 2014
Had you had a wee drinky-poo, prior to taking the snap, Olive? ;-)
1 Feb, 2014
Lol! I think it's more of a low blood sugar thing Mouldy! mum, you need a wee drink! :))
1 Feb, 2014
lol I took the picture from the top of the plant, lol. You should not criticise the AGED & cold snappers Mouldy. I was very excited to see this flower bud. Maybe the hands were shaking on the mobile phone. I hadn't got the camera with me at the time. Maybe I should have gone indoors and got it but that meant taking off the muddy shoes and then putting them back on again. I am a lazy gardener. lol.
ps. Note: I said Snappers not what you were thinking. lol.
1 Feb, 2014
Just goes to show we should have patience if we want to be good gardeners...not something I have much of I'm ashamed to admit.
1 Feb, 2014
That's awesome Barbara!
1 Feb, 2014
I know Waddy, me neither. Think as I have got older I want things to happen more quickly than they do though. lol.
Thanks Michaella, by the way, one of the aconites has popped up, so nice to see it again. :O) Look forward to more shortly. Think this one must not have been planted as deep as the others. Lovely and bright and so welcome :O)
1 Feb, 2014
Lovely shrub Barbara ...
Mouldy - you are now in trouble with both Karen and her Mum ... quit before it gets worse!
1 Feb, 2014
Lol, he's gone quiet!
1 Feb, 2014
Now there's a rare occurrence!
1 Feb, 2014
He aint no quitter Shirley, lol. He will be having his afternoon nap and a pint and then he will be back I am sure. lol.
1 Feb, 2014
That's good to hear Barbara! :)))
1 Feb, 2014
Michaella, yes I was so pleased to see it. It wasn't opened up but at least it is still there and trying. lol :O) The snowdrops are up really well and some of the hellabores are in flower. Very cold and damp with just a little sunshine today. Quite a strong wind blowing too.
1 Feb, 2014
It was freezing here as well. Scott got the house sign up though, and it looks great. Rachel and I went to the craft shop, and when we came out it was snowing! No snow lying though...it turned to rain as we got near the coast.
1 Feb, 2014
One of my favourites.
In fact, I nearly bought one today but didn't because we always lose them and then it makes me sad.
Any tips to keep them happy?
1 Feb, 2014
Right, what did I miss?
Note: What was I thinking, Olive? ;-)
3 Feb, 2014
He is Back girls, lol :O) You keep going missing Mouldy, what have you been doing with yourself or were you not by yourself? lol. On second thoughts I do not really want to know!!!!:O)
Wildrose sorry, I have no idea on tips to look after them, but do know from reading on here and on line that they do not like moving and are not keen to be pruned as they die back quite easily. Think it is pure luck that this one has revitalised itself. :O)
3 Feb, 2014
Best not to ask what he's been up to!
Welcome back to the fold, Mouldy ... :o)
3 Feb, 2014
I know Shirley, as soon as I had typed it I knew I was asking for trouble. No doubt I shall get it too :O)
3 Feb, 2014
LOL Barbara!
3 Feb, 2014
You can torture me, but I won't tell.
Go on, I double dare you!
What, over your knee, Olive? Well, I'm game, if you are. ;-)
Actually, my mobile is playing up, so I'm using one of the library computers, but we're only allowed an hour on it.
4 Feb, 2014
Now that explains it, lol do they not check what you are writing on there computers? You need to be careful, they will be banning you from using them next Mouldy. lol. I can just see the librarian peering over her spectacles and reading the comments from off the security cameras. lol. If she nudges her assistant the next time you go into the library you will know why!!!:O)) Nudge nudge wink wink!
4 Feb, 2014
Oh, they know me only too well, Olive.
The library is co-joined with an adult learning centre and a health centre, so I'm posting, reading a book, lifting weights and washing my longjohns in the pool, as I type. ;-)
5 Feb, 2014
Oh that image is amazing lol :O)
5 Feb, 2014
How outrageous...they've banned me from the pool! ;-)
5 Feb, 2014
lol :O)))))
5 Feb, 2014
I couldn't very well wash them, while I had them on, but, no, that explanation wasn't good enough for them was it? ;-)
6 Feb, 2014
lol :O) what an image lol :O) I shall be laughing for ages now. lol :O)
6 Feb, 2014
It was so embarassing...the carbolic kept slipping out of my hand and I had to bend over to retrieve it.
Waves lapping at the shore, during a full moon, kept springing to mind. ;-)
7 Feb, 2014
I went off to bed laughing last night and am still laughing stop now Mouldy before we really get into a lot of trouble. lol.
7 Feb, 2014
Are you giving me the bum's rush, Olive? Lol.
7 Feb, 2014
lol I cannot take any more at my age Mouldy lol I am still giggling away. What are you like!!!
7 Feb, 2014
About five-eight, legs and arms at the appropriate corners and the head stuck on top.
I guess I'm like, er, hmmm, vaguely human? ;-)
8 Feb, 2014
BUT only vaguely, lol :O) you make me laugh anyway Mouldy and that is all good.
8 Feb, 2014
Just doin' ma job, Ma'am. Lol.
9 Feb, 2014
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Lovely colour! This is my favourite Daphne! Brilliant!
31 Jan, 2014