By Lorilyn57

1 Feb, 2014
Comments on this photo
Very Dainty footwear Lori ,I take it this is the latest in style :o)
I hope for your sake you're not in for another lot of snow ,
I hate to tell you this but the sun is shining brightly here and as Brian says things are starting to Bloom ....
2 Feb, 2014
Thanks Amy and least things are blooming somewhere! Spring seems impossible at the is Feb.2nd. Groundhog Day...and Wiarton Willie (Ontario)didn't see his shadow and neither did Punksatawny Phil.(Pennsylvania)..but Shediac Sam (Nova Scotia? Quebec?) DID see his shadow. If the rodent sees his shadow we are supposed to be in for 6 more weeks of winter...(according to the calendar we will be having six more weeks anyway!) If he doesn't see his shadow it means an early spring! I'm cheering for Willie and Phil. Almanac forecast a bitterly cold winter..but didn't say how long it would be.
The footwear is very effective in deep snow. I used to be able to run on snowshoes (in my youth) I just content myself with staying upright! lol.... Now they're light metal and plastic and bearpaw size...the ones I used to run on were huron 36"ers. without secure harnesses. They were made of poplar and gut!
2 Feb, 2014
Fingers crossed for Willie or Phil then Lori . gosh those 36" snow shoes were huge I would have been tripping up all the time ...
3 Feb, 2014
had a few spills ..but when you're young the spills don't trouble! lol... Dad used to break trail, I can remember huffing and puffing, doing my best to keep up. And driving the old tractor through the wood lot and getting it stuck in the muck of the spring melt. That was the beginning of my love for the outdoor life. Wonderful memories
3 Feb, 2014
Looks like a reasonable amount of snow for Canada Lori. Hope you are free from the extremes of weather, rain and high winds, that many in UK have suffered this winter. A plod through the woods, wearing snow shoes, sounds very interesting too.
5 Feb, 2014
I'm coming up on the milestone ..."will you still need me..will you still feed me? ...When I'm ....." It's been a few years since running on snowshoes...but I can still take in the joys of rambling through the bush, Dorjac. Our winter has been very, very cold and snowy. Getting more snow at present. I'm very glad of the snowshoes.
5 Feb, 2014
That's inhuman! I prefer the constant rain I think.
10 Feb, 2014
Have been watching reports on BBC of the flooding in Somersetshire, the raging storms in Cornwall and the flooded Thames. Hoping the best for you all!
11 Feb, 2014
Lorilyn - this will make you laugh...............
He has been suspended now.
11 Feb, 2014
Good grief! Better check and see if he's building an ark in his backgarden?
12 Feb, 2014
Serious as it is, you have to laugh at it. It's hard to believe that people like that still exist.
12 Feb, 2014
This electronic medium exposes us to some very interesting (if divergent) opinions. Sometimes it's hard to ignore. How does a person who's that "off" get elected anyway?
I'm diverting myself with the seed catalogues and brochures for nurseries. Roll on spring!
12 Feb, 2014
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Looks like you need them ,hope we don't get the snow things are just starting to bloom.
1 Feb, 2014