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More Bluejays for Terratoonie

 More Bluejays for Terratoonie

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Oh ... thank you.. another for my favs !

4 Feb, 2014


Blue Jays are extremely brilliant birds and fun to watch. Great Photo

4 Feb, 2014


Such a wonderful picture Lorilyn.

4 Feb, 2014


Lovely capture Lori.....

4 Feb, 2014


Really lovely blue jays Lori. Now I really can see there could be 'blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover' so send them over here please Lori.

5 Feb, 2014


I love your Bluejay photos Lori ... :o)

5 Feb, 2014


I would love to have these outside my back door each day ,they are so pretty :o)

5 Feb, 2014


Jays, like Crows, are very intelligent birds. "Mischievous" as Bathgate has said. Pain-In-The-Neck some will say...but there's no denying their beauty, survival skills, and sheer NERVE! The one thing I don't like about jays is that they are predators. It's rare to see the smaller birds like sparrows and nuthatches when the bluejays are around. The only other bird which comes to my feeder that shows more tolerance for the presence of humans, and bluejays, is the woodpeckers. I have climbed a ladder to replace suet and a downy just hopped from the feeder to a branch to await my absence.

5 Feb, 2014

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