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Carica papaya 'Maradol' - This Male Papaya Plant

Carica papaya 'Maradol' -  This Male Papaya Plant (Carica papaya 'Maradol' -  This Male Papaya Plant)

My male papaya plant is still blooming like crazy in the summer-like weather here in San Diego, CA. It's pretty much been like summer this past winter. Photo taken Feb. 11, 2014.

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We are lucky here too. It's been a real mild winter....a lot of rain at times.

14 Feb, 2014


Send some rain my way...we still need tons of it!

The last three days it's been 85ºF (29ºC) here.

15 Feb, 2014


I think we had about 21C last was great. We don't want any more rain, had enough. Wish I could send you some...:o)))

15 Feb, 2014


With the hot weather we've being having, 21ºC would feel cold. Today it was around 88ºF (31ºC). This is such crazy weather because I don't ever remember a winter being so constantly hot. Most of the U.S. has had horribly cold, cold weather this winter.

16 Feb, 2014

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