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Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wings' - Croton

Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wings' - Croton (Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wings' - Croton)

My Croton has been blooming and setting flower spikes all winter long. This is very unusual even for San Diego's subtropical climate. It's been due to the warm to hot temps we've had most of this winter. Photo taken Feb. 11, 2014.

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Gorgeous colours and markings

12 Feb, 2014


Thanks! :>)

Crotons are famous for their flamboyant-colored leaves.

13 Feb, 2014



13 Feb, 2014


I'm growing a nice sized one in a pot. I guess trying one in ground is asking too much for the SF bay area. Although,a local flowershop had one make it through the winter days..brought in at night!

31 Aug, 2014


Yes, it's definitely asking too much to try to grow one in the Bay Area. It's much too cool for them, especially at night. The leaves tend to fall off as soon as the nights stay consistently around 45ºF.

31 Aug, 2014

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