HELLEBORE!! at last one that has not been eaten or drowned!!
By Dottydaisy2

16 Feb, 2014
One of our dark beauties, a few days like today? and the others should be out........
Comments on this photo
Now this is one I DO like DD. What a super flower.
16 Feb, 2014
Beautiful! :)). I'm so sorry to hear that many of your plants have drowned. It's really gutting, especially for someone who loves their plants like you. I just hope and pray that you don't get this next winter as well. :(((
16 Feb, 2014
Bloomer and Cinders many thanks, K thanks for that, we will either have to change where the Hellebores are grown, or dig in lots of organic matter, we put them in the heavy soil, not expecting them to be waterlogged!! which they hate! you cannot win, sometimes lol but we will not be beaten!!
16 Feb, 2014
so lovely.
16 Feb, 2014
Marybells thanks, I like the moody colours...
16 Feb, 2014
Beautiful Dd....I've had the same problem with mine.Going to grow in pots next year. Like you I'll not be beaten!
16 Feb, 2014
Lovely one Dottydaisy, although most of mine I grown in the garden, I do put a few in plastic hanging baskets, then you look up to admire the lovely blooms. Will put a pic on my page tomorrow.
16 Feb, 2014
I'll just say ditto to all the above!
16 Feb, 2014
I'm thrilled for you Dd :o) I have one like this it's called 'Blue Lady' the funny thing is this year one petal on each flower is half green ,it's never happened before ,very odd !
17 Feb, 2014
A Real beauty. These dark sorts are quite rare, arenĀ“t they? I have lot of Hellebores with developed leaves, but no flowers yet, I do not know why...
17 Feb, 2014
What a fab-u-lous dusky colour - like it a lot! :o)))
17 Feb, 2014
Thanks Petal, it makes a change from the pastels, Katarina there are a lot more of the darker varieties now...
Amy the very same thing has happened to some of ours, the weather I guess!!. Gralew the soil is just too heavy where they are planted, we will remedy that later on this year.....
Pamd, good idea to grow them up high, so much easier to photograph lol
Many thanks Bathgate and HB, our soil is different all over the garden the sides are different from the bottom of the garden and the middle is different from the front, quite a challenge!!
19 Feb, 2014
Thanks for that Angela at least I know it's not something I've done !!
20 Feb, 2014
Know what you mean, ours have got greenfly how annoying is that?
20 Feb, 2014
That's unexpected I wouldn't have thought it and yes very annoying I must take a look at ours !
21 Feb, 2014
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Helleborus Orientalis 'Blue Lady'
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Helleborus Orientalis
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Superb,Dd..I love the colour :o)
16 Feb, 2014