Snowdrops Everywhere
By Simbad

3 Mar, 2014
Best they've looked this year :-) all that planting several years ago is paying off, lots of big clumps to split this year and being a sucker for punishment I've just sent for another 500 to plant in another area we've been clearing and 100 aconites, guess what I'll be doing next week lol.
Comments on this photo
Wow Kathy, that is an amazing sight, good for you. The planting takes ages, doesnt it but when in time it looks like this, brilliant. You know when you buy bulbs in their 100's, I often think of the poor person who has to count them, lol. You'll be selling them soon yourself. I need to split my clumbs and move around.
3 Mar, 2014
How I agree Dotty, I'd love a woodland area. It looks beautiful Kathy.
3 Mar, 2014
Its only a little wood but yes very pretty in the spring just wish I could win the battle of the cow parsley grrr this year its being beheaded before it thinks of setting seed lol.
I've been trying to get a good picture for ages Dawn but you still can't see them very well because its sunny.
Funny you should mention counting them I'm buying them from a friend from another site, she gives all the proceeds to a hedgehog charity, yesterday she messaged me and said I've got more than I should as halfway through counting them her husband came out and started chatting to her and she lost count!!!,said she's sold so many this year doesn't care if she never sees another snowdrop or aconite again lol.
Thankyou Pam :-)
4 Mar, 2014
Kathy, I love cow parsley !! :o))
4 Mar, 2014
It looks amazing Kathy all your work has paid off what a thrill to walk through the wood knowing it's all yours . well done :o))
4 Mar, 2014
I know how you feel - I'm trying the same thing with Billbergias. A friend needs to divide his again, so I said I would take them and plant in my woods.
4 Mar, 2014
Lol, I'm pleased I dont count aconites and snowdrop bulbs for a living. My cow parley is coming up too but the bane of my life is the hogweed, I hoe them off but they still revive, I asked the question here how to eradicate them and was told to dug them up, omg, it would take forever, maybe one day ......
I've put some lungwort in the wood today too.
4 Mar, 2014
Wonderful sight to see.
5 Mar, 2014
I wouldn't mind if it just stayed in a small area Pam, it is lovely in flower, it just gets in among everything and this years its so early emerging its smothering all the early flowering things.
Wylie just googled Billbergias what a lovely thing to be able to grow in your wood !!!!
Omg Dawn Hogweeds worse than cow parsley I bought one of those roundup gel thingys last year really good if weeds grow up among plants, I might try walking round the wood and dabbing it on all the cow parsley leaves lol worth a try.
Keep thinking of you every time I go in wood and see something else I haven't mentioned, I planted some Brunnera 'Jack Frost' divisions in there the other day.
Thankyou Amy and 3d :-)
5 Mar, 2014
Kathy was thinking of you today too when I was in the wood thinking how bare it was compared to yours, hmmm I have jack frost, I'll move some in :)
5 Mar, 2014
You ll get there Dawn you have a much larger area than me to fill :-), do you have fringecups that's a very good self seeder, noticed today my anemone blanda have started seeding around I also bought a wood anemone (nemerosa) last year which I'm hoping will seed and spread too, must get some more 1 what was I thinking lol
5 Mar, 2014
Hi Kathy, i will, wont I, lol. Yes I have fringecups, wondering shere they are, and threw loads out as they were everywhere, an ideal self seeder for the wood, I'll add that. My a. Blanda in the garden are seeding too, pleased with that. I had a few wood anemone but not seen them yet, think I may have lost them, set them in the wrong place me thinks.
5 Mar, 2014
My wood anemones only just poking through could only vaguely remember where I put it , birds and labels again grr, but I just spotted it today.
5 Mar, 2014
Oh good, funny little rhizomes when you set them, arent they. Stunning when they get going.
6 Mar, 2014
Did you grow yours from dry rhizomes Dawn? I bought mine as a plant and I wondered how they did when planted dry, never having grown them before wondered if they where better planted while in growth like snowdrops, I'd like to get some more and they're much cheaper as dry rhizomes aren't they.
6 Mar, 2014
Thats probs the problem then Kathy, yes bought them as dry rhizomes, your idea sounds better, in the green is better, isnt it always. For some reason ive never found them reasonable to buy in any form.
6 Mar, 2014
The Pottertons Nursery site have the rhizomes for 60p each for the plain white some other varieties are a bit more expensive but still not bad and the more you buy the cheaper they are, I'll have a google or ask a question on here to see how successful they are from dry rhizomes, wonder if they're the ones you have to soak before planting, rings a bell for some reason, they have some lovely ones on there I want them all lol.
7 Mar, 2014
I want them all too Kathy. I contacted them to ask if they sell them in the green but sadly they dont, I'll have to order some, dont you think they would be better planted in autumn though? Maybe they do need soaking, I've soaked before but cannot remember what, old age, lol.
13 Mar, 2014
Yes it's autumn they're despatched Dawn thinking ahead lol ;-) not like me, I asked on here the other day and they are fine planted dry in autumn no mention of soaking so don't know where I got that from lol.
13 Mar, 2014
I've soaked some rhizomes Kathy, but dont know what. I'll try to get some in autumn, I think these would be ideal in the wood once they get going. My originals dont seem to be appearing :-(
13 Mar, 2014
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Oh it will look amazing wont it, must be so exciting to own a wood, my OH would be in heaven.......
3 Mar, 2014