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Cyclamen Pseudo-Ibericum


By Bjs

Cyclamen Pseudo-Ibericum

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Thats a nice photo Brian ,it shows them off really well :o)

21 Mar, 2014


lovely plant.

21 Mar, 2014


They are lovely look nice and healthy too.

22 Mar, 2014


are they aware of being just "pseudo-" :-)

22 Mar, 2014


'Pseudo-' suggests proximity to the 'real thing' by SIMILARITY.
Now I am trying to work out which other Cyclamen it resembles to the eye and nothing comes to mind.
However much more likely is that it is the chromosome count is very close to another species of Cyclamen, as I am sure you know they are part of the family Primulaceae which complicates things even more so we add Primulas , Dodecatheon, Androsace and a about fifty more lesser known species .
Now I am know Botanist so I will leave it at that and enjoy the flowers.

22 Mar, 2014

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