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Escargot anyone? :-(

Escargot anyone? :-(

Found this brood under a clump of bergenia. Loads of them.

Comments on this photo thanks! I have not seen any in my garden yet.

20 Mar, 2014


Hi Michaella, I couldnt believe it, parted the leaves and there they were, all piled up, it seems they are not yet on the move as I've not seen any moving around yet.

20 Mar, 2014


oh you lucky

20 Mar, 2014


I bet they've been growing there all winter! Lucky you found them in time. I've found a few broods too, but they were tiny, and not recently. They were hiding under old dead bark etc.

20 Mar, 2014


Owww... no thank you

21 Mar, 2014


Lucky you, all you need now is a pin and you can have a tasty snack. LOL

21 Mar, 2014


Lol No thanks Dawn ..yuks , I like muscles in wine sauce but I draw the line at this ... throw them over the fence :o))

21 Mar, 2014


Yuk, I haven't seen many snails just lots of tiny slugs - yuk, yuk.

21 Mar, 2014


The Blackbirds love then what a treat for them.

21 Mar, 2014


They do fly long distances don't they lol, I've found loads too not this many though, mind you I haven't checked the bergenia yet!!!!!!!

22 Mar, 2014


Think I will decline from this offer lol

22 Mar, 2014


Thanks for all your comments. I didnt know what to do with them. I dont like to kill any creatures, it just happened to be bin collection day for the garden refuse so I gave them to the council, lol.

22 Mar, 2014


Thats what I do with them Dawnsaunt. They cuddle up within the bottles I put down to water the apple trees if it gets dry. They were under a chimney pot that was shifted for recent garden work. Escargot anyone?

26 Mar, 2014


These were all clustered together too, I hope the council were pleased with them, we are encouraged to recycle afterall ;-)

26 Mar, 2014


Lol're welcome, never found that many in one go!!

27 Mar, 2014

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