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Hi, I like your patio, could do without the hailstone though, my car has 2 dents from hailstone, they were like golf balls, Derek.

24 Mar, 2014


Captures the moment well!

24 Mar, 2014


Cor Blimey!!!!!

25 Mar, 2014


That is a fine big garden you have Linclass. Must be lovely in the summer. March is a month of all seasons. Raining all day yesterday here in Dublin, sun shining, with blue skies this morning, March is a funny month.

25 Mar, 2014


Thankyou Johnjoe, we've had the lot today, starting with fog then a bit of sunshine although it was really cold, which then turned to rain,hailstones and snow.
March has sure done it the wrong way around this year as we were sitting in the garden eating our lunch in short sleeves for the first week, now its back to winter coats and dodge the showers.....

26 Mar, 2014


Yes Lincslass March does funny things. It can come in like a lamb and go out like a loin. Definitely a month of all seasons.

27 Mar, 2014


Chilly, but lovely garden!

31 Mar, 2014

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