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Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets 'Super Nova'

Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets 'Super Nova' (Brugmansia - Angel's Trumpets 'Super Nova')

My Brugmansia is blooming like crazy! Photo taken Mar. 18, 2014.

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Lovely...Mine is still tucked up in the greenhouse, but it is starting to shoot....

25 Mar, 2014


Thanks! That's great, yours should bloom soon?

I had to cut the flowers on the they're blocking the sun from my Plumeria 'Tomlison' which is in the ground beneath.

26 Mar, 2014


Our neighbour's Brugmansia is blooming since we came in November. It is right against the "fence" so we can enjoy it too.
I hope yours will be blooming well Milky.

We have one plumeria blooming Delonix. Yellow. The other plumerias do not show any life. I wonder if they are blooming in different times.

26 Mar, 2014


Brugmasia typically blooms off-and-on throughout the year. Here in San Diego they bloom and look the best from late fall through late spring.

Plumerias have different blooming cycles depending on variety. There's been many blooming here in San Diego since the beginning of March, which is very early. It's due to the very warm to hot weather this winter.

29 Mar, 2014


Looks really good Delonix!
At least my B.sanguinea has flower buds forming. And the Iochroma have survived the winter outdoors too.

1 Apr, 2014


Thanks! All my Angel's Trumpet are blooming, again!

That's great your B. sanguinea has flower buds...that means it'll be blooming soon.

That's amazing that Iochroma can survive outdoors where you live. I though they were a lot more tender.

3 Apr, 2014


"That's amazing that Iochroma can survive outdoors where you live. I though they were a lot more tender."

Let's be honest, I got lucky with its first winter being mild. I.australis is probably the hardiest though and I know of a large specimen planted out in Kent.

3 Apr, 2014


Meanie I cannot get our Sanguinea to trouble with our other Brugs.
Great pic Delonix I expect the perfume is fantastic...

5 Apr, 2014


DD - it's a cool bloomer. Is it too warm over the winter?

5 Apr, 2014



Well, your Iochroma should be large enough to go through winter safely next winter, right?

7 Apr, 2014



Yes, the fragrance was terrific!

7 Apr, 2014


Dottydaisy2; Meanie:

B. sanguinea grows and blooms here in San Diego very well. I definitely don't think it's too warm there anywhere in the UK for them to bloom.

Maybe it just needs a little fertilizer and to be kept a little on the dry side.

7 Apr, 2014


"Well, your Iochroma should be large enough to go through winter safely next winter, right?"

I reckon so. If they grow as fast as they did last year and we have another winter like this one it'll be easy peasy!

"B. sanguinea grows and blooms here in San Diego very well. I definitely don't think it's too warm there anywhere in the UK for them to bloom."

Mine will blast it's buds at the height of a UK summer, preferring to bloom in spring and autumn. Cool summers it likes though.

7 Apr, 2014


Yes, B. sanguinea likes the cooler nights. It's from the highlands of South America. This why most Angel's Trumpet do better here in San Diego from late autumn to spring.

My B. 'Jamaican Yellow' was looking gorgeous until today when the high temperature was 87ºF (31ºC) tomorrow and the following day is going to be 95ºF (35ºC) or hotter.

8 Apr, 2014


I wonder if a plant grown in the wrong conditions (ie, SoCals heat) can adjust genetically over several generations?

Does B.vulcanicola grow well there?

8 Apr, 2014


Meanie it is in an unheated porch, been there all winter....

8 Apr, 2014


"Meanie it is in an unheated porch, been there all winter...."

That's not the problem then! Is it over potted maybe?

8 Apr, 2014


Not thought of that one.....

8 Apr, 2014


DD - mine is in a fairly small pot. Overwintered in the unheated greenhouse and covered in buds (should be in bloom by the end of April I reckon). It survived the winter of 2012/13 outdoors unprotected although it did not bloom last year.

8 Apr, 2014


Really, there is not a bud in sight, so frustrating, the other two flower every year, but this is my favourite one, will look forward to seeing your photos Meanie....

8 Apr, 2014



"I wonder if a plant grown in the wrong conditions (ie, SoCals heat) can adjust genetically over several generations?"

It's possible. I don't know the answer, though.

I do know all Brugmansia species/varieties suffer very badly when temps go above 85ºF (29ºC). Today all my Brugmansia shrubs suffered badly in the very warm 95ºF (35ºC) temp. They also hate warm nights like we've been having (it's still 75ºF (24ºC) at 11:00 p.m.).

I would guess B vulcanicola would grow here. Most likely it would grow best along the northern California coast.

9 Apr, 2014


Wow you do have some heat there.

9 Apr, 2014



Yes, and it's much too early to get this hot. Tonight we're suffering in this heat, again!

It's suppose to cool down by this weekend. I can't wait.

10 Apr, 2014


blooming lovely Delonix..

22 Apr, 2014



Thanks! All of my Angel's Trumpets have been blooming for many months.

22 Apr, 2014

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