Orange Poppy Buds for Poppylover and Terratoonie!
By Petaltracey

10 Apr, 2014
These are just so early this year! I've got some that have made themselves a home in a crack in the path - Haven't got the heart to pull them up!
Comments on this photo
I had one lonely snowdrop Neena, it had grown and flowered right where the garden gate is attached to the wall! Every time we opened the gate I thought "Oohhh poor snowdrop"!!!
10 Apr, 2014
Aww :o(
10 Apr, 2014
Pictures by petaltracey
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This photo is of species Poppy.
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Mine do that too Tracey even Muscari Hyacinths growing in the paving cracks :o)
10 Apr, 2014