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Do not know or cannot remember name of this climber.

Do not know or cannot remember name of this climber.

Think I call it the chocolate vine. Supposedly it smells of chocolate, but I don't think it does. lol love the colour of it.

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Akebia quinata Mum, you're right, the chocolate vine. It does have a vaguely vanilla scent, but it's not strong.

30 Apr, 2014


Yes it does but I am not sure it reminds me of chocolate though. This has been on this frame for years and never had so many flowers as it has this year. So pretty too. :O) Thanks for naming it again for me I forget these names so easily. Strange because I remembered the second part of it but could not remember the first part. OLD AGE is upon me!!!

30 Apr, 2014


Oh I had this at the cottage Barbara ,but never saw any flowers ! Perhaps I should get another ! Yours is lovely.

1 May, 2014


Thank you Rose, it has taken it a few years but it has finally got there. :O)

1 May, 2014

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