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Frost Tonight

Frost Tonight

Couldn't buy fleece today and urns very heavy so bubble wrap came in handy:-)

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And was there a frost?

P.S. What a posh bird table! :-D)

3 May, 2014


Well prepared,Ba..I managed to get mine all under cover in the growhouse and shed..After overwintering ok,there was no way I was going to lose them now..We had the frost here,Spritz,and still white on the shed roof..but the sun is out ,so it will be gone soon..I think it was only last night it was forecast for..hopefully..

3 May, 2014


I had to bring some plants back into the greenhouse and fleece about 6 in the garden BA, grrr. up early this morning, opened the back door ecpecting an icy blast but it felt warm! No grass frost and the birds were singing :) Gonna go unfleece soon, one more cuppa and ill be awake and raring to geo lol. whats in your Urn?..

3 May, 2014


Hi Barbara, the bird table looks as though it has fancy wire work under it on this pic, but its one of my tables lol. I'm not sure there was a frost, but taking no chances, is this supposed to be the last frost Sandra? I don't want to dismantle my little buubblewrap contraptions until I'm sure. It's lovely and sunny here at the moment so I must open the bubble wrap. I filled my urns a couple of weeks ago Ydd .... I know ...stupid But I know there are some verbena Aztec Plum Magic and lovely smelly pinks, possibly some calibrachoa or lobelia ( haven't taken cover off yet:-)

3 May, 2014


Borderline frost here this morning (aka hardly any!) but Very Cold. Tonight temp 'only' forecast to drop to 7 degrees in Herts. but don't take my word for it! Hope everyone's precious little ones survive :)

3 May, 2014


Shouldn't be cold here tonight either Sheila according to weather forecast. I've dismantled my contraptions and thrown caution to the winds:-))

3 May, 2014


I hope there isn't any - I've been planting up my summer containers and can't protect all of them!

4 May, 2014


Have you thought of bubble wrap Barbara :-))))) I stuck sticks in the pots as a framework to hold the bubble wrap from the plants...genius:-))

4 May, 2014


I planted up the (only 2) hanging baskets in the greenhouse . . . just gone out this morning. Looking forward to doing the tubs tomorrow ('fun' croquet tournament this pm, so have to save some energy!).

Good thinking Ba . . . I'll do that when I've done my tubs :)

4 May, 2014


You have more energy than I do Sheila. A few hours in the garden and I'm feeling ancient:-)

4 May, 2014


I AM ancient, Ba! LOL.

5 May, 2014


Lol Ba . . . sadly I've hardly any energy . . . 'cos of Chronic Fatigue it's 45 minutes gardening, max, then it's sit down time! Luckily I have a friend who helps with all the stuff I can't do, and OH does the heavy stuff. P.S. Barbara is NOT ancient :))

5 May, 2014


I know, I've met her, she's just after sympathy:-)))
My son has ME, he's had it for well over twenty years. After he had the lightning process he improved a lot, although not entirely well. When he feels energetic he goes mad, says he's making up for all his wasted years ... works out, walks miles etc then he feels exhausted for a day or so, that's all. He's so much better now providing he doesn't overdo it:-)

5 May, 2014


Wow. I'd love to hear more about the lightning process please Ba . . . I've had it for about 14 years. Much worse for a younger person though.

5 May, 2014


I've pm'd you Sheila:-)

5 May, 2014


I don't EVER get any sympathy...I am a great-grandmother three times over, I'll have you know! ;-D)
Ergo, I MUST be ancient. LOL.

6 May, 2014


Ok, have it your way Barbara're very old:-))

7 May, 2014



9 May, 2014


You asked for it:-))

10 May, 2014



11 May, 2014

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