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christmas cactus 8 months on

christmas cactus 8 months on (Schlumbergera truncata)

140430. Finally got around to repotting my house-plants. I've been trying "minimum interference" as that would give fewer opportunities to do something wrong! but at least I've not killed it - yet

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Next door gave me one of those Fran. It keeps coming in and out of flower. Two bits went limp. I trimmed them and put them in the same pot. One is OK and the other one failed. I told a Poinsettia they gave me 'when you lose all your leaves you go in the bin!' It heard me and still has some leaves and most of its red 'petals' too.

10 May, 2014


I've never managed to get a Crimbo Cacuts in flower - even when I bought it in flower and another was given to me as a present, onc the flowers went, they never came back.

I was given a Ponsettia by a neighbour when I moved here: the flowers started dropping like flies, and I panicked, thought I'd have to buy another one in case she saw that I'd killed hers! but it seems to have staadied, got some flowers on it still. whew

10 May, 2014

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This photo is of species Schlumbergera truncata.

This photo is of "Christmas Cactus" in Franl155's garden

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