divider strip divider
By Franl155

5 May, 2014
140503 glanced out of my front window and saw something new - there was a green strip down the middle of the bed that I shared with next door. It only went half-way along then; when I looked later, it was complete.
Relieved! I was thinking about doing somthing similar but wasn't sure if it would be received as "neighbourly". And now I can "bark" my beds without any worry about it straying across the line
Comments on this photo
I've contacted my EO to ask for the contact details of the gardener they got in to tidy up before I moved in; my lawns certainly do need a haircut! but don't fancy b uying an electrical tool myuself, and certainly ain't doing two lawns by hand!
I've been a bit reticent to knock on their door, don't want to turn into the kind of person that, when people them coming, they put the lights out and pretend to be out! I was out early in the back the other day, and so were they; the OH spoke, so I went oer and we had a chat for a while. I don't want to be stand-offish, but I don't want to be a pain, ither,. Never had nice neighbours before, so need to find out what's acceptable. but till then, let them make the moves.
of course, if we're both doing out half of the central strip at the same time, there's a chat opportunity! i'd like to ask what those plants are they put in, for one thing.
5 May, 2014
I've just thought..... it took about 28 years for our shared strip at the front to be divided down the middle and that was by mutual consent! Well at least they do speak to you in the back garden. I put too much fertiliser on our back lawns and they grow ever so fast now, but I wish the grass seeds on the bare patches would grow. It is tricky with neighbours. I usually let mine speak first as they are very busy fellas.
6 May, 2014
we were both out the front once and I made a remark and we had a very brief chat, I didn't want to force anything, lol or make htem feel thta it was only safe to go out when I was in!
I did think if suggesting that the strip be diided the other way, halway down, across rathr than along, but we've both got stuf all the way along our sides now, so not much point. but it woul dmean a shorter divide! but then,it'd be too much of a stretch to reach all the way across the strip - especially as the garden slopes so one's kneeling at an angle.
6 May, 2014
I ponder on what happens if you plant an annual on your side of this little plastic boundary and it bushes out and pops over their divider? Intriguing!
6 May, 2014
I'm sure, given time, you will sort out a good relationship with your new neighbours. Perhaps if you thank them for putting the divider in it will break the ice a bit more - just a thought :)
6 May, 2014
dunno, Dorjac! I did wonder if that shrub at the end was "theirs" or "mine", but it seems to be on "my" side of the fence, so that answers that! not sure about any "droopy" plants either; not sure what i'll want there in future, just bulbs and flowers, I suppose.
worth a try, Gee - it did save me a job! and i want to ask them what that plant is they're growing, it looks nice
9 May, 2014
Just goes to show how tricky these boundary things can be Gee. We had a neighbour renting next door some time ago. To keep the peace OH agreed to remove some blunted pointed strips of plastic from the top over a privacy fence on top of a wood strip, so her pussy cats didn't hurt their feet. Now the wood is torn up with cat and fox claws and rotting. I heard they trashed the next house before they left it. We had a lucky escape. A length of upside down guttering is the next move I think.
9 May, 2014
It is difficult, Dorjac, I put a fence up between myself and my neighbours because their dog did its business in my front garden but they then moved and the new people let their children ram the fence with toy tractors, etc until it began to break up. When I mentioned it to the mother she replied that 'it's my fence so what's your problem?'. I explained what had happened and that the fence was actually not on the boundary but on my property and I had paid for it. She was a bit put out but eventually accepted it. They are still there and the boys have grown up - very polite to speak to but oh my goodness the language that comes drifting over the fence - makes me cringe :(
9 May, 2014
people don't seem to remember that out of sight isn't out of hearing! I can't see next door when we're both close to the house cos of the two-panel tall fence, but I can hear them talking - i can only hope that my whistling doesn't annoy them too much (I often whistle when I'm feeling good, and often don't realise I'm doing it - I used to tell the peoplea t work to tell me if it annoyed them, I wasn't doing it on purpose, didn't know I was doing it at all, so don't sit there gritting your teeth!)
I want to get the tall fence extended on both sides, but I'll drop a note in to both neighbours to explain why before I even start planning. The front is "fenced" enough, I think; neither of us has a dog, so that's not a prob
9 May, 2014
We agreed with a neighbour at the back, when his two Alsatians were hurdling his rotten fence, into our garden and over next door, to go walkabout, to renew it at 7 foot to keep them in! No arguments, no mention of money we got it done.....yet not our fence apparently, as his house older than ours. Anything to keep those dogs out!
9 May, 2014
is it on the exact boundary between your properties? then if you paid for it, it's yours! downside is that he'll expect you do to any maintenance for damage his dogs might inflict.
9 May, 2014
He is dead and gone Fran. The dogs died before he died and he was too ill with a stroke to take on any more and his wife had shovelled off too.He he bought a mini digger and started do 'landscaping'. Then he vanished and I was told he was ill. He had a live in male carer he employed who gardened and cleaned and cooked for him. Also bought his lager and whisky, fags for him from the newsagents
10 May, 2014
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Funny old things neighbours. Why not have a little chat about this and that instead of popping in and out doing odd little bits in instalments? I wonder will they mind your dandelions, as their lawn looks very sort of cared for.
5 May, 2014