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I love the colour of this lilac tree.

I love the colour of this lilac tree.

I nearly lost this one, had to do a major prune and fasten the branches in with a stake and cable ties, it had 1 flower last year this year it is covered. Yay!!!!!

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Well done. They are notoriously bad tempered and mean trees!

7 May, 2014


I thought it was kill or cure, so pleased we managed to save it, hope it isn't flowering too well and going to die on me. lol :O(

7 May, 2014


It looks ever so healthy! Perhaps they need a good prune sometimes!

7 May, 2014


Hope that is the case, I do so like it. :O)

8 May, 2014


You must be really pleased with that. There's nothing like saving a plant to cheer one up!

8 May, 2014


I agree Melchi, makes you feel so clever too :O) lol I know pride always comes before a fall. lol. I am just hoping it isn't having a big display before it kicks its clogs. lol. Hopefully not!

8 May, 2014


You're quite right, though. It does make you feel clever! I kept on pruning the weediest rose (Elizabeth of Glamis) you could imagine. And when the trees over the bottom wall were trimmed, she came right back. I was thrilled to bits!

8 May, 2014


What a fantastic Lilac what is it called?

8 May, 2014


Sorry Pansy this tree was given to me years ago whilst I was still at work by a kind friend. I just planted it in the garden (well field side it was then) and it has now grown up into this little beauty. She also gave me the white one which is huge, about three times the size of this little one and it is only about 15 ft away from it. Strange how some grow so large and some struggle, this is the first time this has had this amount of flowers on it. I am so pleased with it. :O)

8 May, 2014



8 May, 2014


Lovely colour - do you find they send out lots of suckers? I was fed up last year with having to get up as close as possible to detach them! :o(

8 May, 2014


No Shirley, not on these I haven't. I know they can sucker, think the ground is that hard here, it is heavy clay in places, they cannot find a way through to sucker. lol :O)

8 May, 2014


What a beauty, you must be well chuffed.

8 May, 2014


Ah, shame you have the clay, but good not to have the lilac suckers!

8 May, 2014


Certainly am DD thank you :O)

Shirley it has got much better with time and digging only bad now in some places. The raised border was put in because I could not get a spade into the ground. But think that is mainly because of tree roots growing, the clay has certainly been improved but it is not all bad as it retains moisture well. :O)

9 May, 2014


Sussex clay in my garden has been improved with home made compost, mushroom compost and a bucket full of grit with every single thing I plant! Still occasionally find a lump of solid clay though :o(

9 May, 2014


It is hard work until it starts to improve with working. I have an unlimited supply of leaf mould from the wood, compost, sand, mushroom compost and horse manure all gone into the borders at various stages of development. It like yours throws up surprises occasionally. lol :O) It is stood in water this morning, although sunny now, if a little blustery.:O) I have taken the opportunity to plant up some seeds out of the cold wind in my little plastic greenhouse. Lunch now and a rest cos my back is aching.

9 May, 2014


My Granny had a garden on Dorking clay. We used to use it to make thumb pots when we were kids!

9 May, 2014


Lol Melchi! Did you ever see the mug a member made from his clay soil? It looked like plasticine! May have been Paulthegardener, think he's left now though.

10 May, 2014


I can well believe it, Shirley! Granny always said, though, that if she could manage to plant the roses they did really well.

10 May, 2014


Oh yes, I can well believe it! :o)

12 May, 2014

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