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Aquilegia Clematiflora 'Green Apples'


By Simbad

Aquilegia Clematiflora 'Green Apples'

I need more of this form, off to send for some seeds I think.

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I dont blame you its lovely;0)

14 May, 2014


I found seed Carole mixed colours ;-), trouble is there are lots more I like too lol.

15 May, 2014


Oh go for it Kathy lol

15 May, 2014


Lol I've got 6 different varieties in my basket Carole, so far ;-)

16 May, 2014


Wow cant wait for next year;0)

16 May, 2014


Very pretty, does it not produce seed ? True to form?

20 May, 2014


very nice , and a refreshing change of colour

20 May, 2014


I've had this one 5 or 6 years Siris and never seen it flower, think I must have just missed it, the bed it's in is pretty jam packed lol, I have had some very pretty frilly ones which can only really have been a cross of this one,I sprinkled seed in the wood last year from one of those frilly ones and yesterday noticed a pink one that had the same form as this must get a picture today :-)
Thanks Gg :-)

22 May, 2014

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This photo is of "Aquilegia clematiflora 'Green Apples'" in Simbad's garden

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