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One of my favourites Clematis - Warsaw Nike

One of my favourites Clematis - Warsaw Nike

Think this colour has to be one of my favourite colours. I also like Niobi which I think is similar but not yet out.

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I had to take some more pictures today as the colour in the garden is changing all the time. The clouds are looming and I wanted to get some pictures before it tipped it down with rain and spoiled the colourscape.

20 May, 2014


What a lovely deep purple ;0)

20 May, 2014


Its a beautiful colour Pansy, just starting to open up :O)

20 May, 2014


I love this one too! I bought this one for here and it's just peeping above the soil. I accidentally broke off the first stem...they are so brittle! Maybe next year it will flower...hope so!

21 May, 2014


Out of the three that were planted on the chicken run side this is the only survivor. I had a Wilsonii and that gave up the ghost, cannot remember what the other was. Hope yours comes along for you the colour is stunning. :O)

21 May, 2014


It certainly is!

21 May, 2014


As you will have seen, my Niobe has hardly ever stopped flowering from last year to this, Barbara ! I like this one !

25 May, 2014


I also like Niobe, it is such a rich colour, mine never does as well as yours is doing Rose :O( I do love this colour, there is another one called Voluceau which is a slightly redder colour but just as special, will put a picture up later on, that too is beautiful and it has a kind of double centre. It does a lot better than Niobe for me. Think it is the place it is planted will have to find Niobe a different spot me thinks. :O)

25 May, 2014


I tried Niobe in two different spots at Willow Cottage Barbara and it never grew ! Here its racing away ! We had light sandy soil before, now its much heavier and clay in some parts, but I also put loads of multi purpose compost around it too .

28 May, 2014


I'm thinking that as they are quite greedy, a light sandy soil is possibly the worst for Clems, so that will be why they are doing so well for you there Rose. Sounds like you gave it the ideal growing conditions when you planted it too. I bought five recently for my patio bed. As you know, I have clay here, and they are all doing very well except for one, which appears to be wilting. The others I planted earlier are doing well too, except for Warsaw Nike funnily enough...but that's only because I snapped off the main shoot trying to persuade it to cling to its support! Typical!

28 May, 2014

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