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Aquilegia - mother and daughter perhaps? although there is a dark pink single in there as well so probably all crossed

Aquilegia - mother and daughter perhaps? although there is a dark pink single in there as well so probably all crossed

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Such beautiful blooms there Oliveoil. I've only recently got to know Aquilegias and I simply love them They come in such wonderful shades, some single, some doubles and all looking so delicate. Yours are wonderful.

25 May, 2014


Thank you Waddy, they are beautiful and early flowerers giving off colour early on in the year. So pretty :O)

25 May, 2014


Yes, a lovely spring splash of colour, so different from the usual yellows and whites. I think I'll have to introduce some more to my garden. :)

25 May, 2014


That is beautiful!

25 May, 2014


I only spotted it today, it has been hiding but after all the rain yesterday it went on a tilt and I could not believe I had not seen it before. lol. should have gone to specsavers, lol it is so pretty. Will try and get some seed off it and hopefully we shall be able to spread it around. Just got to remember to collect it now. lol. :O)

25 May, 2014


Judging by the size of it Oliveoil, you've missed it for a year or three :) I've read that they don't do well by division, good luck gathering seed. You could be worth a fortune!

26 May, 2014


lol :O) maybe so Scottish, but where it is it's a little bit obscured by the rose trellis. But I am sure I would have seen it last year really strange that I never noticed it. Although there are a lot of new plants this year that have flowered which didn't have flowers last year, some really dark pink ones, have no idea where they have sprung up from. Fascinating seeing them as I only had a very pale pink, think a wild one originally, and Nora Barlow and then I think I planted something Guinnes which is a very dark purple with a whiteish centre, bit like a pint of guiness. lol. very dark purple. I have in the last two or three years put in some of the, think they are MacKenna strain, but they seem to keep their colours more or less and are nowhere near this one. Really odd how things appear. I did get very excited when I saw this one. Beautiful.

26 May, 2014


It's stunning! Very exciting!

28 May, 2014


If I get seeds I will send them to you. You will get them to grow better than I can, still waiting for delphinium seeds to come up in my little green greenhouse. :O(

28 May, 2014


You should see my wildflower patch now! It's going to be quite something I think! Hopefully with some of your aquilegias in there too!

28 May, 2014


Thanks for the card, it arrived today with Sarah's.

28 May, 2014


ah I posted it in time to get to you for yesterday, darned postie. I posted Sarahs ysterday, new that was late, but mine should have been there on time. :O( oh well better late than never. :O) I am looking forward to the wild flower garden pictures, it should look lovely. Hope you get some blue ballerina. Will save some more seed if it ever stops dry long enough for collecting seeds, garden stood in water again, not as bad as week before last but still very wet. :O)

28 May, 2014


We had heavy rain overnight, and heavy clouds so far today. Good weather for decorating the kitchen!

28 May, 2014


Still raining here, has done all day. Chilly with it too :O(

28 May, 2014

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