Rose Therese Bugnet
By Lori

14 Jun, 2014
Comments on this photo
bless you Karen! I must post a more recent picture because lurking somewhere in that lovely bush was the eggs of a beetle that have given me some gray hairs! The larvae skeletonized leaves and the adult beetles chewed the wonderfully scented petals to mush! Lucky for me they only have one reproductive cycle so they're done by the end of July. Still my poor rose just gets started and it has this setback. I don't use insecticides so I squish...yuck. but I love this rose and will do what I must to have it. Hope to get some healthy rosehips for tea.
31 Jul, 2014
Oh, that sounds bloomin dreadful! My dog ate a mouse this morning....that put me off my breakfast, and now you've put me off my lunch! Lol! That's the country for you eh Lori!? wouldn't swap it though.
31 Jul, 2014
You have it, Karen. When we lived in the North our dogs used to hunt voles along the verges of the roads...even in winter...they would walk along casually...then freeze in place with laser gaze into the snow bank or tall grass...then like a fox...pounce! straight up and straight down! bam! on that poor little mousey...grab..shake a few times and gulp! then they want hugs and kisses...ughhhh! Have you ever read "Call of the Wild" by Farley Mowat? It's about a naturalist studying wolves on the barrens. The main human character determines that the viscious, frightening wolves live on the rodents of the area! To try to better understand he eats mice...nope...not even for science and better understanding. NOPE.
1 Aug, 2014
Oh, thank goodness I've had my dinner already! Lol!
1 Aug, 2014
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Lori! Everything in your garden is a picture of health and vitality. Not a mark, a nibble or a blemish in sight! :)
18 Jun, 2014