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storage compartments

storage compartments

After buying a stack of tops at Asda, the prob was to store them - normally I fold them in the basket, but that means I can't see them all, so generally only use the ones on top. And I wanted to keep my vest-tops separate from my "strappy" tops.
Then read a hint that one should roll shirts, jumpers etc, and put them side by side, so they can all be seen. Works - until you take one out, then the rest collapse into the now-empty space!
I faffed around trying to find a solution, then hit on this: cut the tops off milk bottles and used the bases (did try using the tops as well, but too small). When I ran out of bottles, I used small (clean!) plant pots for the other basket. lol going to have to start buying bigger bottles of milk for larger items!

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14 Jun, 2014


thanks, TT

14 Jun, 2014


You could use that set up of milk bottle bases or flower pots to store all kinds of things.

14 Jun, 2014


Indeed, could be useful in the garden shed or for crafts, etc - oh, the empty boxes and packs I'm saving on "might come in handy"!!

if i'd had enough square pots they'd have fitted closer together; some pots looked a bit dusty so I put a small plastic bag, sandwich-type, in them as a liner.

I have a bout a dozen of these plastic trays, gleaned here and there - much better than deeper boxes or crates, where things get more buried.

14 Jun, 2014


Yes.. square flower pots would make best use of space ...

Do you know what the trays were used for initially ?

14 Jun, 2014


I think they were mushroom crates, at least that's what I've searched for and found similar cos I want to replenish my stock! Of course, there might be some discarded aftger st reet-markets have closed, or some shops might stack 'em outside for disposal.

But there are many sizes around, and a lot of places selling them - I got my bigger crates off eBay, used @ 99p each

14 Jun, 2014


That's interesting ..
please report back here if you find more !

14 Jun, 2014


lol will do!

I like these rather than drawers because theyr'e entilated, and can stack; I tend to overload drawers until they come apart! I'm planning to get a shelf unit for these crates, then each item or type of clothing can be kept separate, rather than fishing through one long wide deep drawer - mind you, these "comparrtments" would work there as well

14 Jun, 2014


On a smaller scale, it could work well for pairs of socks ...

14 Jun, 2014


lol I did try empty fag packets with the tops taken off - slightly too small for knickers, but might work for socks, I hadn't thought of that ...

14 Jun, 2014


I don't smoke, but those see-through small plastic fruit containers from supermarkets might be suitable ...

14 Jun, 2014


We have 4 large rounded end shelves in our kitchen. I bought 3 whicker laundry baskets for towels which I roll. Tea towels and linen items , which I roll too. On the other side I store kitchen sundries in the bottom one and a small basket with flannels and soaps on the top one.The rolled items stay upright because the baskets slope out slightly. Works well for me. Even the flannels are rolled.

14 Jun, 2014


Wha a good idea and how many T-shirts you have! More then me, lol.

14 Jun, 2014


@TT - so much plastic is thrown away, small containers that could be re-used for starage - I use spread cheese containers for screws, nails, etc.

@ Dorjac - in my old place i had one of those wardrobe jumper hangers attached to a hook in the wetroom ceiling, and used that for towels - I rolled them, too, and they stayed more or less rolled, but they were lying down

I've been having a go at paper-weaving; thought I could make small containers from the free newspaers that are no other use to me! having probs getting started, but if I can crack it taht'd save a lot of probs - but it'd cause more as well: how big to make it, how wide, how high? also thought of trying to get dividers built in, but no idea how

@ Kat - lol, I went to Asda do get a few bits, and came home iwth three hags of clothes - and still didn't get what I'd gone for!

14 Jun, 2014


Yes, Fran ..
I find margarine pots very useful for storage.

14 Jun, 2014


nods, save those too, with lids when I can find 'em! then the prob is to label all these small containers with type big enough for me to be able to read - often leads to such "shorthand" that I still have to open them to find out what those cryptic letters mean!

What irritates me is having to take a stack of containers down to get at the bottom one - Murphy's Law, it's always the bottom one you need. Then put them back, then have to get the bottom one out again - I tend to leave the boxes out because the bottom one will go back soon ... and often it doesn't so all the boxes stay out. *s* I need shelves tailored one per box, no matter how small the box!

14 Jun, 2014


Maybe you need this style of storage ...

15 Jun, 2014


wow, thanks!!!!

15 Jun, 2014


I have one of those wardrobe dangly compartmented thingies on the end of the ladderax in a corner space. It has shoes at the bottom, Jack's vests, then some socks, and underpants. Serves its purpose well, as he can't get upstairs now.All these different storage systems are useful in particular situations.

15 Jun, 2014


I went a bit berserk on eBay and bought a couple of these jumper sehlf hangers and four shoe hangers. prob is finding somewhere to hang them from! now got a built-in wardrobe with less space than my old 'drobes. also prob with wall racks, finding enough sprea wall to put the things. No doubt I'll find "a place for everything and everything in its place" - eventually!

15 Jun, 2014


I have a 'my side' of our shed,and all my containers for bits and bobs,(lots) are in those clear washing tablet boxes..Something similar might be easier for you to see at a glance..Just depends if use products in those,or you would be defeating the object otherwise..I always keep all sizes of plastic trays and containers with lids too.The trays I put in the bottom of a carrier bag of my kitchen waste bin or those tinfoil trays you get..stops it getting wet and soggy at the bottom,when you empty it..any left over cooked food goes in a lidded margarine tub..:o)..

16 Jun, 2014


I've bought lots of transparent and semi-transparent boxes and crates of various sizes, some of which I can still find hte lids for! I tend to use marker pen to label them, a bit of a prob wehn I find a new use for them lol.

I've got plenty of room here, but no *space* - because I still don't have any shelves up, everything's piled on top of everything else, which usually means that I completely forget I've got something at the bottom of a stack.

I've been saving all sorts of plastic trays and dishes, but having no lids makes it hard to stack them, so small shelves or shelf units would be very handy.

I use a carrier-bag bin, so it's chucked every couple of days, especially in hot weather! I hadn't thought of putting a "drip tray" at the bottom of the bag, but so far not needed to, touch wood! The shallow trays i'm saving for crafts to make small plaques or stepping stones or similar

16 Jun, 2014

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