For Karen - Daughter's graduation
By Melchisedec

19 Jun, 2014
The smile says it all...
(Six years ago - can't believe it!)
Comments on this photo
How lovely! She looks really happy! :)) of course she was happy...silly me...she was about to be married! :)))
19 Jun, 2014
Yes. I was with her, and she was radiant. She even managed to persuade the university to give her the degree in her married name!
19 Jun, 2014
Very nice portrait photo. What did she study?
5 Jul, 2014
She did a Bachelor of Music degree, Katarina. She went on to her Masters the following year, and is currently working hard to finish her doctoral thesis in Musicology. She is researching music in animation, specialising in the work of Scott Bradley, who wrote the music for the Tom and Jerry cartoons. Three years ago, she spent 5 weeks in LA at the University of S. California, where they have a considerable archive of his stuff. She is already thinking about what her post-Doc research will be. She is very interested in film/humour/mixed media and I think she will probably remain an academic. She has already done quite a lot of post grad teaching at the University (Glasgow) and beyond, so let's hope she'll be able to earn a crust!
5 Jul, 2014
Very proud moment and beautiful photo Susanne
I had tears when our son graduated but so so proud
11 Jul, 2014
It does make one very proud, doesn't it? :-))
14 Jul, 2014
Oh yes, a wonderful moment; I recall when my daughter Anne graduated many years ago...whe went on to be a Chartered Surveyor...but she never knew why "I kind of floated into it mum"..!!
25 Jul, 2014
Strange how these things happen! "Floating" does conjure up a lovely picture...
25 Jul, 2014
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doesn't time fly by :O) special days :O)
19 Jun, 2014