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I put him at the side of the pond and he had his picture taken so obliging!

I put him at the side of the pond and he had his picture taken so obliging!

Never seen a toad as large as this one before, he is enormous. lol

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What a whopper! I stood at the back door to call the cat in last night and heard a 'splosh' as something jumped into the pond. Bet it's not as big as this one though! :o)

26 Jun, 2014


lol :O)

27 Jun, 2014


Lovely that you have Mr, Toad visiting. We used to have one living in our large greenhouse when we lived down the road, but here I haven't seen one, although my neighbour across the road told me that there was one in his garden the other day.

8 Sep, 2014


Not seen one for ages in the garden, think the dry weather has made them hide under the rocks. lol. thanks for looking in Lindak, I hope you find a toad or frog soon in your garden. They do help to keep down the slugs and snail population, which is always a big big bonus here. lol. :O)

8 Sep, 2014


We've certainly has a lot of slugs and snails here although the hedgehogs help with that problem. I throw the snails on to the tarmac where the birds come down for them and the slugs I hand collect and they go to slug heaven. I don't like putting down any pellets if I can help it because of the hedgehogs. They tend to get sick if they eat anything that has been killed by the pellets. We had a huge orangey brown slug go across the lawn the other evening but I got him......

9 Sep, 2014


lol there are some huge slugs this year - I threw one to the cockrel the other day and even he would not tackle it. lol. very big. Not seen any hedgehogs in the garden for a while but we are fenced in to keep out the rabbits so presume they stay in the wood and play in there, I do so like hedgehogs they are special. :O)))

9 Sep, 2014


They say we have an invasion force of 6 inch slugs. They are called Spanish slugs and the chap on the TV talking about them said someone in Norfolk found them in his garden. Apparently they do a lot of damage just have a look on the website it gives more information.

10 Sep, 2014


Yuk :O(

10 Sep, 2014

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