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Acanthus mollis


By Meanie

Acanthus mollis (Acanthus mollis)

They will be spectacular this year!

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Lovely ,I had some in my last garden !

29 Jun, 2014


That about sums it up Amy...................

"I had some in my last garden"

If you have this you'll never have just one as it does like to walk doesn't it! I'm constantly digging strays up here.

29 Jun, 2014


Your plants are on opposite cycles. These plants are pretty much dormant now. In late Fall they will come back to life, especially if we actually get some rain this season.

30 Jun, 2014


Lets face it, your summer climate isn't gonna be good for them!

30 Jun, 2014


Acanthus mollis is very widely grown here in most of California...some places it's naturalized. However, it grows best during the cooler and wetter times of the year.

1 Jul, 2014


Crikey - mine flops here when it feels too warm.

1 Jul, 2014


Here they look burned and yellow during the summer or they go dormant and die to the just depends if they receive water or not.

The nights are starting to get pretty warm and muggy here, now. I don't think they like warm nights.

2 Jul, 2014


Took ours out, and I am still finding pieces of it, bought a new variegated one, which has flowered, so well chuffed!!

9 Jul, 2014



There's so many exotic plants in the Acanthaceae family. Many grow here. Here's a few examples that grow well here. Megaskepasma erythrochlamys; Justicia species; Odontonema species; Barleria species; Sanchezia species;
Crossandra; Hypoestes; Ruellia.

10 Jul, 2014


Just counted the flower spikes - one plant has ten and the other plant has twenty two!

DD - it walks like crazy! The plant in the foreground is the worst.

Delonix - it's certainly a highly ornamental family.

10 Jul, 2014


Wow! That's a big plant with that many flowers spikes.

Yes, I have many Megaskepasma, Justicia aurea, Ondontonema callistachyum, Barleria oenotheroides, Justicia carnea, and Eranthemum pulchellum. Of course, you've seen me post many of my photos of these plants on GOY.

10 Jul, 2014


It's not a particularly big plant though!

10 Jul, 2014


The flowers spikes can grow to more than 2 m (6') tall. These look like they're that tall.

11 Jul, 2014


They are. It's just not big in terms of spread.

11 Jul, 2014


In time it will spread quite a bit. Those tubers travel like crazy!

12 Jul, 2014

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