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Buxus sempervirens cuttings

Buxus sempervirens cuttings

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How old are these cuttings, Scotsgran? Whever I trim mine I think I should try a couple of cuttings but never have. I even bought some bare root plants earlier this year! How daft is that?

7 Jul, 2014


Only as daft as me not knowing how old these are. I have just had a look back through some old blogs to see if I could spot them. In a blog on pots I notice them under the pergola, in 2012. I probably took the cuttings in June 2011. Potted them on into single pots in September 2011 and then in to the long troughs early in 2012. In the photo they are approximately 4" high in 2012. I do tend to trim them back by just snipping off the ends to make the plants bushy. They do grow very quickly. I did some in September last year which should have been potted on. Time flies and jobs have to queue but I did look at the roots the other day and will try and post a photo of their progress soon. I think the secret lies in ensuring the plant makes good roots before allowing it to grow too much above ground.

8 Jul, 2014


Thanks, Scotsgran. I will definitely give it a go. The bare root plants I bought are doing well and I might take a cutting off each of those and see what happens.

8 Jul, 2014


Hi Gee. I have potted on some cuttings and made a blog out of the exercise. Hope its helpful. Good luck with yours.

8 Jul, 2014

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