Moving in!!!!
By Homebird

2 Jul, 2014
T came home yesterday to find the blackbird waiting on the step. He came in and she hopped in behind him. As he started to cut up some grapes for her she popped up onto the work surface and waited while he prepared them. I think he will soon be waking up to find her waiting on the bedside table for him to prepare her breakfast.....:o))
Comments on this photo
How lovely H.bird..and how apt that you chose that as your user name :o)I do hope she brings her little family to meet you..I'm sure it is hard for them to dig for worms at the everything is so dry..lucky she found you both ..My mum used to have a Robin, who came into the feed from a dish on top of the washing machine..also a Thrush,which also brought her young ones to the doorstep,as though to show them off :o)
3 Jul, 2014
How lovely.... a few years ago I had a family of blackbirds in garden and every time I went ou there the babies thought I was coming out to feed them and fly on the bird table, they got so tame they would take food from my hand. :)
3 Jul, 2014
Aw...what lovely bird stories! I have one.....a blue tit flew in to my window and landed on the drive last winter, and I picked it up and held in my hands to keep it warm for about 15 revived and flew away...I was so happy! :)).....sorry, not as good as your stories, but couldn't resist sharing!
3 Jul, 2014
Ahhh karen bluetits are one of my fav little birds how lovely to hold one, you must have been so pleased when it flew away..
3 Jul, 2014
I was Holly, and it was such a privilege to share those minutes with such a beautiful little creature. Isn't it interesting that we (well, a lot of us) share a desire to get close to creatures and to be 'friends' with them and be able to touch them? And it's such a thrill when that happens :))
3 Jul, 2014
How lovely for you HB .. 'my' blackbirds swoop to get my attention every time I step outside the door but have never been inside yet !
3 Jul, 2014
That is wonderful, Hb! I think it is such a privilege to be trusted like that. It always feels so special to share a moment with a wild creature.
3 Jul, 2014
amazingly bold!
4 Jul, 2014
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Isn't that amazing, how quickly she has become tame? How lovely! What a delight to have her visiting! :))
2 Jul, 2014