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something needs to go on a diet!

something needs to go on a diet!

this is how I found it when I went out in the morning - must have had an albatros or somthing landing on it

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I think I would be inclined to leave it on the ground, at least it won't get broken if your visitor returns for another attack.

11 Jul, 2014


I thought the same, Gee, and put it on the lawn and filled with water. I did think of putting it up on a few bricks to riase it slightly, but the gardener put it back on the plinth yesterday, but put a stone under the base to level it a bit more; hope that works

12 Jul, 2014


I stuck our saucer back on the bird bath on top of its pedestal with some 'stick anything together' gunge that is available in the car section of most el cheapo shops. Mix two bits of puttylike stuff together. It warms up....flatten it, place on stump, make sure level. Press down a while then walk away. Repaired the front wall, compost bunker and stuck the boy and girl statue together with it, though the last lot was gunk out of a gun thingy wielded by the garden helper, as he parted them for the third time with his mower! Also a large flower pot reassembled with similar stuff and still holding together with a bungy round the top!

13 Jul, 2014


that sounds handy, Dorjac, will have to add that to my "look-for" list.

the prob is htat where the pin is underneath, to go into the base, isn't level - looks like someone repaired with concret or plaster or somthing and left a blob of it, so the bowl won't sit evenly; i'd thought of making a sort of collar to fit round the pin so that leave a level surface, bujt ot got further than vaguely thinking about it so far,

13 Jul, 2014

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