A little bird house I painted
By Gillian

18 Jul, 2008
Comments on this photo
Oh, my word Gillian, this is gorgeous! I was just reading about you, but there's no art training in there?? Not a gap year in Paris sometime? You've done it beautifully, do you sell them in your shop?
18 Jul, 2008
Always wanted to go to art school but it never worked out, always something got in the way, so I just paint now because I enjoy it!
18 Jul, 2008
This is beautiful Gillian
18 Jul, 2008
You have captured the spirit of the chickadees & morning glories perfectly! Amazing talent! You do realise that this could be your livelihood?
18 Jul, 2008
Thanks for your kind comments everyone! The store where I work that currently sells my rocks also wants me to paint birdhouses to sell now! Just got to figure out how to fit it in timewise and fend off the arthritis in my hands with a few more glasses of red wine!
18 Jul, 2008
im not surprised they want you to paint them, brilliant work Gillian , the detail is fantastic
18 Jul, 2008
Ooh, Gillian I had to stop the red wine as it made my fingers terrible, a glass of cod liver oil I found suited them better. [Only joking, a capsule a day keeps the pains away]
18 Jul, 2008
omg this is Stunning Gillian :)
18 Jul, 2008
The houses look fab. The pains can really be hampering, I know, hope you can supply your store. I'm sure they will sell like "hotcakes"
19 Jul, 2008
You're very talented : D
I can understand how you might feel about not having done what you really wanted. The same with me : ( and I have bad arthritis aswell. Still, if we have the chance to do it now we must take it : ) Good for you.
19 Jul, 2008
looks great-you really do have talent :D
22 Jul, 2008
Wow beautiful work Gillian!
23 Jul, 2008
Very pretty. I bet they look lovely in your gardens. Where do you sell them?
15 Aug, 2008
Beautifull, they will sell like hot cakes Gillian, just a thought, could you not paint them in your shop? Dee..
15 Aug, 2008
Oh Gillian! This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
16 Aug, 2008
I love it, Gillian! It's amazing. :-)
16 Aug, 2008
There is too much else going on in the shop to be able to do that, I don't think the owners would like me doing just that! I'm in the middle of pricing Christmas items at the moment, and during the day it's often just me there to deal with all the customers. Much as I would love to just paint, I don't think it's going to happen!
16 Aug, 2008
Wow ! I'm impressed. The birds must be thinking your painting is much prettier than them.
24 Feb, 2009
Thanks Autumn!
24 Feb, 2009
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its beautiful Gillian
18 Jul, 2008