Plumeria 'Tomlinson' Flowering
By Delonix1

18 Jul, 2014
My Tomilinson plumeria is flowering very well in San Diego's inland warm to hot, humid weather. This little tree was a 5 1/2' (1.5m) cutting from a Palm Society member which was planted in the ground August of 2013. Photo taken July 17, 2014.
Comments on this photo
This variety of Plumeria has been a very vigorous grower, for me.
The mother plant from this cutting is 13' (4m) tall and has a spread of at least 20' (6.1m) it had a giant circumference, also (that was when I saw it last August). The tree was only in the ground for 5 years from a gallon-sized plant.
21 Jul, 2014
20 Jul, 2014