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Pensive Rufus...enjoying the bridge


By Lori

Pensive Rufus...enjoying the bridge

too bad the stream has dried up.

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I'm sure that stream will be back Lori! ;)

28 Jul, 2014


lol maybe he's waiting for the water to come back so he can fish from the bridge!

30 Jul, 2014


We've had some rain, Karen. There's a trickle there! I think perhaps Rufus is waiting for the frogs, Fran. We have the little green leopard frogs and garter snakes that eat the fieldmice and frogs. Rufus is an equal opportunity predator...he'll stalk anything that moves!

30 Jul, 2014


lol that's what cats do, it's built in

31 Jul, 2014


yes..that's our Rufus...he's a cat's cat!

1 Aug, 2014

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