Veggie greenhouse
By Treeman

31 Jul, 2014
The asparagus bed eventually ran out of steam and became choked with tree roots and we decided that it would be the perfect site for a greenhouse as it is such a sheltered corner facing west. Having vowed never again a Janssens after the appalling experience we had the last time so here is a Hercules. It seems to be extremely robust and stood up to all the gales that we had over 2013 -14 winter. This year we are growing squashes, peppers and climbing beans inside. We also created a herb/flower bed in front of the greenhouse to provide nectar and pollen for pollinating insects and butterflies.
Comments on this photo
Thank you. Yes there is a lot of stuff. We aim to be self-sufficient in veggies until the New Year. We have been picking and freezing peas and beans, the onions we have start picking off the weak ones to use now and the remainder will be picked and stored in the autumn. We pick courgettes as long as we can but as the frosts become more likely we let them become marrows that we pick and store. The carrots, potatoes and parsnips we leave in the ground and pick as required. There's enough going on without lifting and storing them, but it does mean we lose some. Thats life :o)
I was reading about your challenges. We also have deer so we have a huge high fence the whole way round our 3ac, we have a hedgehog to deal with challenge 2 in the veggies and there is not much we can do about challenge 3.
Good luck with your gardening.
1 Aug, 2014
Thanks for good wishes. We all have some challenge in one way or other. I do not grow vegetables. Your raised beds look really good. We have friends which have a similar set up as yours and they grow more than they can produce we are benefiting. Keep up the good work.
1 Aug, 2014
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Looks very good Treeman. Lots of good "stuff" growing there.
31 Jul, 2014