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Salvia "Black and Blue"


By Meanie

Salvia "Black and Blue" (Salvia patens (Sage))

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Now this we can grow.....

6 Aug, 2014


Hallelujah! Bonus that it's one of the best Salvia too!

7 Aug, 2014


Really.....better not move it then!!

8 Aug, 2014


This is a nice one , Haven't the Salvias done well this year , I'm still waiting for some to flower from the seeds you sent me Keith theres plenty of foliage I'm hoping there's still time this year if not its a long wait until next year ...

9 Aug, 2014


Most of them have Amy. I'm still waiting on a few though. Google Salvia leucantha.............

9 Aug, 2014


Done that ! it's a nice one I like white .. Meanie I have S. Hot lips which so far is all white ,No red hot lips !!

12 Aug, 2014


Sounds as if it has reverted back to one of the parents. I've heard of a couple doing that this year. I had one at my old house and it went all red.

12 Aug, 2014


Mmm . I'll keep an eye on it to see if the whole plant stays white or is a mixture when the rest bloom ...

12 Aug, 2014


Amy ours started the season as it should with the red lips, but now it is white!!

14 Aug, 2014


I've noticed several this week that have gone one way or the other too.

14 Aug, 2014


Just cleared our herb bed, and taken out Salvia Black and Blue, Oh has taken some cuttings!! I had no idea they grew huge tubers just like Dahlias, but rock hard!! is this how they all grow? you can tell I know nothing about Salvias, other than Sage which has a normal root system....

16 Aug, 2014


There are 900+ species of Salvia and they have all manner of roots. There are a number of tuberous rooted Salvia, this and S.patens being the most common.
Black and Blue also sends out root runners and is easily propagated by these.

16 Aug, 2014


Thanks for that......

16 Aug, 2014

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This photo is of "Salvia "Black and Blue"" in Meanie's garden

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