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Daylily 'Frans Hals'


By Simbad

Daylily 'Frans Hals' (Hemerocallis)

Just deleting a few pictures off the computer, forgot to add this one, an oldie but a really good doer and one everyone recognises :-)

Comments on this photo


Such a vibrant colour !

7 Aug, 2014


Hear, hear !

7 Aug, 2014


This is nice and bright; and since many of its children are bitones, it can be very useful if you want to explore that type.

7 Aug, 2014


Wow, you need sunglasses for these. So bright. That would cheer up any part of a flower bed which looks little dull. Makes me smile.

7 Aug, 2014


Good old Frans

7 Aug, 2014


It makes me think of Oranges & Lemons Kathy ...

7 Aug, 2014


Thankyou everyone :-), glad you all like it, it really is gorgeous and looked like this for weeks, quite sad that the daylilies are nearly over for another year :-(, well except for a few rebloomers :-)
Perfect description Amy :-)
I really must check out the children of this one Wylie as I've seen one very like this but with larger flowers and teeth!! which looking at it can only be a child of Frans :-), I've never thought of using it, can't think why its such a good doer perfect parent really, then again I'm fairly new to this hybridizing the possibilities are endless really aren't they :-)

8 Aug, 2014


I agree mine has flowered non stop for weeks. Mine is quite big now and I would love to divide it but am a bit wary any tips Simbad?

8 Aug, 2014


September/October's a good time Drc, or March/April, really easy just like any other perennial really they can be pretty heavy when they get big I walk with a permanent stoop in the autumn lol, just two forks back to back are good just don't plant to deeply as that can prevent flowering just level with we're the leaves join the roots, making a mound in the middle of the planting hole's good and placing the division on top so the fleshy roots hang down, avoids any air pockets, no need to be wary tough as old boots I've found bits growing in the compost bin a year later :-), certain varieties can take a year to settle in again after dividing and can miss a year flowering, it's a while since I've divided this one so can't remember if it's one of those.

9 Aug, 2014


thats great, thanks simbad

9 Aug, 2014


an old favorite of mine!

11 Aug, 2014


What a lovely colour :o))

11 Aug, 2014


Love these...

11 Aug, 2014



14 Aug, 2014


Lovely, I keep meaning to buy this one....

16 Aug, 2014


I've been looking around my area to buy some, nowhere has them here :o((, I don't like ordering them on line incase they turn out to be the wrong colour, I'll have to ask at "The Gardening Club" Ha! Still think of it being called "Wyevales" :o)) At least it easier to take back if it turns out the wrong colour :o))

18 Aug, 2014


A ten out of ten performer!

1 Sep, 2014

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This photo is of species Hemerocallis.

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This photo is of "Daylily 'Frans Hals'" in Simbad's garden

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