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Cloud tree for Dotty Daisy


By Amy

Cloud tree   for Dotty Daisy

OH trying his hand at a cloud tree ,he is trying Angela !

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Oh well done to your OH Amy, that looks very good, I like the shape too.

7 Aug, 2014


What Variety of plant has been used.

7 Aug, 2014


Has he done alright Angela he'll be pleased if you think so :o)) its Box Brian ...

7 Aug, 2014


I think that's a great effort!

7 Aug, 2014


thanks Amy

8 Aug, 2014


Your OH is inspiring, Amy! I love the look of a cloud-pruned tree, but haven't had the courage up to now: will have a go at my Enkianthus . . .

Btw, I once saw a specimen in Wisley's nursery, priced £230 ! So your OH could be on the way to making a fortune . . . but of course, if you 'make' something and are pleased with it, you wouldn't want to sell it!

8 Aug, 2014


Thanks Karen , Sheila it's Dotty's husband who is the expert they have a lovely one my OH was trying to take a leaf out of his book Lol , yes I have seen them in Garden centers they are very expensive , I saw a massive one in France last year in the middle of a round-about there was no way I could stop to take a photo !

8 Aug, 2014


Amy do tell your OH that Box is excellent (ours is the same)it makes beautiful cloud pruning.........and the shape is there already on yours, tell him I am very impressed, I usually give ours a hair cut once a year, and OH feeds it too. We have a larger one in the flower border, started it two years ago, not the most attractive shape I must say, cannot show you a photo, because there are too many plants growing in front of it at the moment. ..might be able to get one later on in the season.

8 Aug, 2014


Thanks Angela he's going to be thrilled when I tell him he's done alright he loves a bit of praise now and again Lol .. I,ll also tell him about the hair cut and feeding .. I don't suppose it requires any special attention in the winter does it ?

8 Aug, 2014


None at all, we just give it shelter from the worst of the weather, though mainly for the pots it is wrapped in fleece (the pot).

8 Aug, 2014


Thanks Angela that's a good idea we lost several pots the other year due to the frost ...

8 Aug, 2014


This has given me an idea! I cut my pittasporum back hard last year because it had become very straggly but now it has bounced back. I can feel a bit of cloud pruning coming on :) Tell your OH he has inspired me.

11 Aug, 2014


Lol get snipping Gill :o))

12 Aug, 2014


I have, Amy, but it is rather tall and I can't reach the top 'cloud' - will try the stepladder when the wind has dropped a bit :)

12 Aug, 2014


You be careful Gill ,I know what you are like when a job needs doing , you start behaving like a nipper !

13 Aug, 2014


My daughter & son in law are going away for a few days tomorrow so I am planning to redecorate my living room - granddaughter and grandson will be on hand if I need help. Haven't told any of them about this plan yet but I sneaked to B&Q to buy paint and wallpaper earlier this week. The garden and the cloud tree will have to wait a while :)

13 Aug, 2014


I hope you have baked them some cakes to bribe them with Gill Lol ..

13 Aug, 2014

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