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Amaryllis belladonna 'Fred Meyer'

Amaryllis belladonna 'Fred Meyer'

The white ones bloom before the pink. Bud count of 15.

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Incredible, does it mean, if I understood correctly, that this Amarylis has two colours? White and pink?

31 Aug, 2014


No, there are pink Amarylis belladonna, which is the common colour people usually have; and then there are white ones like this one, named after its breeder, Fred Meyer. These start blooming about 2 weeks before their pink cousins.

31 Aug, 2014


I have red and pink, but I have never seen white. They are beautiful.

31 Aug, 2014


If you have a red one, then you are probably thinking of a Hippeastrum which has the common name of amaryllis. An Amaryllis puts a flower stalk up in the fall then the leaves; and a Hippeastrum puts up the leaves then the flower.

31 Aug, 2014


Right...I didn t know that. To be honest, it is not very clear to me. So Hippeastrum=Amaryllis (sort of) or not? I bought them on Christmas, they were imported from the Netherlands and all were labelled as Amaryllis.

31 Aug, 2014


When used to describe a Hippeastrum, it is a common name. Much like Daisy is used for several flowers. What I have is in the genus Amaryllis belladonna. Both are in the family Amaryllidaceace, which includes Lycoris, Nerine, and Crinum.

1 Sep, 2014


OK. Thank you for explanation.

1 Sep, 2014

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