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Hedychium gardnerianum


By Meanie

Hedychium gardnerianum (Hedychium gardnerianum (Ginger Lily))

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We are growing this one, but no sign of flowers on ours....

2 Sep, 2014


How long have you had it DD?

7 Sep, 2014



Is it just blooming, now? This one usually blooms in May June and July.

Hedychium coronarium and flavescens (the white and yellow ginger) usually blooms in late summer through fall.

8 Sep, 2014


It is always a bit touch and go for me whether they will or not before the frosts.

The two that you mentioned look superb, especially H.coronarium. Off to look for seed.

8 Sep, 2014


Two years Meanie, thinking of putting it in a container and forcing it to flower!!

8 Sep, 2014


H. coronarium and flavescens can take over a huge area...and sometimes can become weedy.

I absolutely love H. greenei! (it's a summer-bloomer) I used to love getting all the little plantlets out of the old flower spikes. It should grow very well for you.

9 Sep, 2014


Best get looking!

9 Sep, 2014


DD - How large are the tubers? Most Hedtchium tubers sold in GC's are a couple of years away from flowering size at least.

9 Sep, 2014



Are you looking for H. coronarium and greenei?

9 Sep, 2014


I've decided to try quite a few next year.

9 Sep, 2014


Quite large , it is going to take a blooming large container to get them going, went to a rare plant sale and noticed theirs were flowering, hardly any soil all tubers really pot bound?

9 Sep, 2014



Good luck!

11 Sep, 2014

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This photo is of "Hedychium gardnerianum" in Meanie's garden

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