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Winter Daphne for Rkwright.

Winter Daphne for Rkwright.

This was photographed in early April. The photo is not the greatest. I will make better pictures next spring.
Not as compact as the" Meon". I will take a picture of the whole plant. It is already a good size.

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I can tell it's a good size and the flowers look nice too! Does it usually bloom in April or is it usually a little earlier? I've seen how big they can get and it's one of the reasons I like it so much. Most of my Daphnes are small and it would be nice to have more larger ones, especially if they smelled as good as D. odora.

12 Sep, 2014


We came from Mexico in April and it was blooming. So maybe March? I would definitely buy it again (if I would lose this one) if only for the smell. I noticed one in GC and was temped but did not buy. I also propagated one from cutting.

13 Sep, 2014

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