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Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Maradol Papayas

Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Maradol Papayas (Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Maradol Papayas)

The fruits are getting larger in the heat. Photo taken Oct. 6, 2014.

Comments on this photo


That looks interesting, when can you eat them?

9 Oct, 2014


hope the drought hasn't affected them. The fact that they come from your own trees makes them taste even better, right?

10 Oct, 2014



Most likely not until about February.

11 Oct, 2014



Yes, home-grown papayas are better than any papaya bought in the store. They can be sweet like candy.

I've been watering this plant. The severe drought is afecting a lot of plants/trees, though.

11 Oct, 2014


Wow they look great what a crop you 've got there.

19 Aug, 2017


This photo is from 2014. My papaya tree has only three papaya fruits on it, right now.

19 Aug, 2017


Three is better than none shows its still producing is this that tree or your old one.

19 Aug, 2017


Most of the time male papaya plants don't set fruit. Sometimes they do...and I'm not sure why.

This plant has only produced fruit twice. The time in this photo in 2014 and now in 2017.

20 Aug, 2017


I hope this help your mystery looks like the variety .

21 Aug, 2017


Thank you. I do know quite a bit about papayas. I've been growing them for 17 years. They are very complex plants. Many times one plant will produce fruit. Male plants produce fruit sometimes too. Plants can be male, female or bisexual and sometimes they can go from a female plant to a male plant or vice-versa or turn bisexual. The bisexual plants are perfect for fruit production. This is the plant kingdom for you. lol! :>))

22 Aug, 2017


How interesting bit like humans then lol seems to go through out the animal world as in other things as my son and I were discussing the other day how a sheep would and do smother it's baby lamb they say it s nature but if a human mother did this it would be wrong and classed as murder and is there a reason we don't know why this is done through out the animal world.

22 Aug, 2017


Yes, it is a lot like humans. :>))

24 Aug, 2017


24 Aug, 2017

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