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Christmas Anthurium indoors.


By Stan510

Christmas Anthurium indoors.

It was bought as "Florida" years ago. I almost lost it to thrips. She came back after a systemic was used.

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I've got one of these but it hasn't flowered for years :(
I'm glad it survived the thrips attack for you ...

23 Dec, 2014


They need a sunny summer I have to pull it back a bit to keep it from burning.
Mites can be a terror!

24 Dec, 2014


Thank you. I'll move it to a lighter spot :)

24 Dec, 2014



It looks terrific!

Thrips, spider mites are some of the reasons why I grow mine outside, all year. Indoors, most don't like the drier conditions.

29 Dec, 2014


Outside- even in summer is just too cool for it. The nights of 60f or less don't make much growth. They are real low land tropicals needing warm nights. I did give it a go once..and like I said,grew very slow one summer on the porch...then when nights in December got to 40f? It quickly began to rot.
Since then,always indoors..THEN the thrips of some type I got from UC Berkeley- never saw any like them before,very tiny black thrips. They pretty much defoliated the Anthurium,an Adenium,and a Santol. It took a year of trying organics- including more fresh air that didn't do a thing. Finally, Bayer systemics did them in.
ALL the mentioned plants flushed happy and full foliage again.

30 Dec, 2014


I grew Anthuriums outside in Fremont without any problems. They would do well until the ending of Nov. depending on the weather. The only Anthurium species I saw growing outside in Hayward (all year) was Anthurium scherzerianum and the larger-leafed ones (in protected spots).

Speaking of weather, I hope the arctic blast coming down from the north doesn't cause any problems in your garden. The latest info in San Diego County is that the snow level is going to down to 2,000 with possible isolated areas of snow levels going down to 1,000 in the foothills and high inland valleys. I've never heard of the snow level ever going this low since I moved here in 2000. However, by the weekend the temps will be up in the 70's again. Crazy weather!

30 Dec, 2014


What a shocker..sunny today,got a bit warm at 62. And- ta da,we were second warmest city in the state.

I covered the Croton and Papaya's. Eh,35f is the prediction. Sounds cold enough if I dont cover.

So far- no frost or even cold damage...just one more day to go.
Even here next week should be at least 65f. Not bad.

1 Jan, 2015


The amount of snow fall in Southern California was amazing this morning. So many areas had snow at 1,000 - 1,200 ft.

The snow level was the lowest in San Diego since 1967. The high today was a frigid 53ºF.

1 Jan, 2015


We escaped the freeze. Not even close(by California standards) at 37f.

1 Jan, 2015


You're very lucky! Here in the urban areas of San Diego no freeze or frost; however, much further inland I'm sure they had frost or even freezing temps.

3 Jan, 2015

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