Blooming mango trees.
By Klahanie

8 Mar, 2015
They will have fruit sometime in September.
Comments on this photo
LOL.... more info then one can comprehend.
It is so common fruit here. I love the Ataúlfo mango grown here in Mexico. They are golden yellow and much sweeter than "Tommy Atkins"
They cut it here into a hedgehog shape , spice it with hot chile and salt and sell it on a stick on the streets.
Ataúlfo mangos are available in States and Canada but not sure if in Europe.
9 Mar, 2015
I was sure I copied just ten points, but it took everything on that page, altogether with communication, lol. Sorry.
9 Mar, 2015
Klahanie, on first glance I thought it was Acacia! The blossoms are so pretty.
9 Mar, 2015
The flower spike almost looks like acacia, does not it?
I also love the new growth on mango trees Wildrose. It is burgundy red.
No problem Katarina.....:-)
9 Mar, 2015
AND,the leafs can be used to brush teeth with.
16 Mar, 2015
I did not know that Stan.
16 Mar, 2015
In Asia.
You also cannot post enough photos of those tree's. I just saw your two blog photos of a local Mexican Garden Center. Are there more photos?
16 Mar, 2015
Pictures by klahanie
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What else?
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Mango is my very recent discovery. Not that it wasn´t in our market for decades, but it looked too exotic for me and I was afraid it will not taste as good as it looks.
Four years ago, during flight from UAE we were served mango juice. It was so delicious, that on the other day I bought several mangos in the shop. Since that time I eat mango when I want to treat myself :-)
antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes.
2. Lowers Cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff)
3. Clears the Skin:
Can be used both internally and externally for the skin. Mangos clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples. (Read more on page 5.)
4. Eye Health:
One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
5. Alkalizes the Whole Body:
The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.
6. Helps in Diabetes:
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruit also have a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels.
7. Improved Sex:
Mangos are a great source of vitamin E. Even though the popular connection between sex drive and vitamin E was originally created by a mistaken generalization on rat studies, further research has shown balanced proper amounts (as from whole food) does help in this area.
8. Improves Digestion:
Papayas are not the only fruit that contain enzymes for breaking down protein. There are several fruits, including mangoes, which have this healthful quality. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination.
9. Remedy for Heat Stroke
Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing with water and a sweetener helps to cool down the body and prevent harm to the body. From an ayurvedic viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted when visiting equatorial climates is because the strong “sun energy” is burning up your body, particularly the muscles. The kidneys then become overloaded with the toxins from this process.
10. Boosts Immune system
The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangos, plus 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy and strong.
man holding mango at Real Food for
Facts and trivia:
•According to some, more mangos are eaten fresh than any other fruit in the world.
•Originated 4,000 plus years ago.
•Biologically a close relative with other flowering plants like cashew and pistachio.
•Originated in sub-Himalayan plains.
•In India where they are most heavily grown and eaten, mangos are known as “safeda.”
•There are over 1,000 different varieties of mangos.
vitamin pills at Real Food for
Nutrition by the Numbers
One cup (225 gms contain) contains the following. Percentages apply to daily value.
•105 calories
•76 percent vitamin C (antioxidant and immune booster)
•25 percent vitamin A (antioxidant and vision)
•11 percent vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins (hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention)
•9 percent healthy probiotic fiber
•9 percent copper (copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells)
•7 percent potassium (to balance out our high sodium intake)
•4 percent magnesium
mango cut properly at Real Food for
How to Prepare a Raw Mango Fancy Style
1. Hold the mango on its side and cut down on either side of the central seed. You will end with two big “halves” plus the central seed.
2. Place each half on the cutting board with peel facing down and cut the exposed flesh in a horizontal and vertical pattern, taking care not to cut deep through skin.
3 Then invert the whole half to push out the cubes as shown in the photo above.
Mangos for the Skin:
Just blending up the mango and applying to the face is fast and easy. Mangos contain beta-carotene, which is converted by your body to vitamin A. That and vitamin C are crucial to skin self-repair.
Follow this link to see a more complete recipe: Mango Mud Mask. This has all the benefits of mango plus the exfoliating benefits of oatmeal and almonds.
For a less serious treatment of this mud mask, you can watch me making my own at…Randy’s Homemade Mango Mud Mast
When eaten, mangos help resolve all skin problems including pimples. Extract the large pit or seed from green mangoes. You can eat this seed raw or cooked, or try a recipe like this Cucumber-Mint-Mango Lightness.
Do Monkeys Know Something We Don’t?
Monkeys choose to eat the seed from the green mango. Ayurvedic healers suggest that it is the seed that gives the monkey its energy and powerful strength to jump in the tress.
If you have a latex allergy, a reaction is possible with mangos and particularly green mangos. This reaction develops because of anacardic acid.
Mango peel and sap contain urushiol, the chemical in poison ivy and poison sumac that can cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals.
Mangos are ripened by some dealers using calcium carbide which can cause serious health problems (one more reason to buy organic). If you do have inorganic mangos, do wash them properly before consuming or soak overnight in water.
Mango Recipes:
Deluxe Mango Crumble: Something about mangos makes them luxurious, and when made into a crumble they become divine.
Cucumber-Mint-Mango Lightness: A cooling and refreshing drink using green mangos.
The mango is so delicious and healthy we consider it a Powerfood.
Other Powerfoods to check out:
•Almonds: King of nuts.
•Green Tea: The Powerfood that rules the world.
•Apples: Powerfood pomme.
•Oatmeal: 10 smart reasons to enjoy oatmeal.
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Diana Herrington
Diana Herrington turned a debilitating health crisis into a passion for helping others with healthy, sugar-free, gluten-free, eating and cooking. After testing and researching every possible healthy therapy on her delicate system she has developed simple, powerful principles which she shares in her recent book Eating Green and Lean, and as host to Care2 groups: Healthy Living Network and Healthy Cooking. She is the head chef at Real Food for Life, where she shares recipes and tips. Sign up for the Real Food for Life weekly newsletter or catch her on Facebook or Twitter (@DancinginLife).
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Maggie Welch Maggie W.
5:26PM PST on Mar 5, 2015
Wow! I never imagined that mango's had so many benefits. Thanks or a great article.
5:11AM PST on Feb 27, 2015
my son really likes them. Thanks for the info.
Elif Sungur Elif S.
1:32PM PST on Jan 25, 2015
Bunun için de iyi bir markanın iyi bir ürününe sahip olmanız gerektiği için, biz konu ile ilgili olarak yapmış olduğumuz araştırmalar ile görebiliyoruz ki, sizlerin ihtiyaçlarını en iyi şekilde karşılayan joyetech ile sizlerde en kısa sürede sigara bağımlılığından kurtulabileceksiniz. Ürün çeşitlerini ve özelliklerini görmek için adresini inceleyebilir ve dünyanın en iyi Elektronik Sigara ürünlerine sahip olan joyetech marka ürünleri sizlerde alabilirsiniz. Ayrıca site üzerinden e-likit çeşitlerine de bakarak size uygun geleni seçebilirsiniz.
Elif Sungur Elif S.
1:30PM PST on Jan 25, 2015
Özellikle sigara bağımlısı olan ve bu bağımlılıktan kurtulmak isteyen kişilerin merak etmiş oldukları soruların başında, Elektronik Sigara ların sigara bağımlılığından kurtarıp, kurtarmamasıdır. Burada özellikle bir çok kişinin sigara bırakma eşiğinde farklı yolları denemeleri ve bununla birlikte, bu tercihler sonucunda sigara bağımlılığından doğru ürünler ile kurtulacağı kesinleşmiştir. Tabi ki bitkisel ürünlerin de bağımlılık sürecinde faydalarının olduğu da kesin olmakla birlikte, bu ürünlerin kullanımları sırasında sabır öncelikli erdeminiz olacaktır. Çünkü bu ürünleri kullanırken sigarayı tamaen hayatınızdan çıkarmanız gerektiğinden dolayı, bir çok kişinin nikotin ihtiyaçlarının olmasından dolayı, sigara içmeye devam etmektedir. Bu nedenle sizelrde sigaradan kurtulmak için en etkili ürün olan elektronik sigara kullanarak, hem nikotin ihtiyacınızı gidereceksiniz ve hemde sigaradan kurtulmuş olacaksınız. Çünkü e-
Elif Sungur Elif S.
1:30PM PST on Jan 25, 2015
Özellikle sigara bağımlısı olan ve bu bağımlılıktan kurtulmak isteyen kişilerin merak etmiş oldukları soruların başında, Elektronik Sigara ların sigara bağımlılığından kurtarıp, kurtarmamasıdır. Burada özellikle bir çok kişinin sigara bırakma eşiğinde farklı yolları denemeleri ve bununla birlikte, bu tercihler sonucunda sigara bağımlılığından doğru ürünler ile kurtulacağı kesinleşmiştir. Tabi ki bitkisel ürünlerin de bağımlılık sürecinde faydalarının olduğu da kesin olmakla birlikte, bu ürünlerin kullanımları sırasında sabır öncelikli erdeminiz olacaktır. Çünkü bu ürünleri kullanırken sigarayı tamaen hayatınızdan çıkarmanız gerektiğinden dolayı, bir çok kişinin nikotin ihtiyaçlarının olmasından dolayı, sigara içmeye devam etmektedir. Bu nedenle sizelrde sigaradan kurtulmak için en etkili ürün olan elektronik sigara kullanarak, hem nikotin ihtiyacınızı gidereceksiniz ve hemde sigaradan kurtulmuş olacaksınız. Çünkü e-
Fi T. Fi T.
4:34AM PDT on Sep 3, 2014
Go for it with physical exercising
Tonya Freeman Tonya F.
11:11AM PDT on Aug 24, 2014
I first fell in love with mangoes while living on the island of St. Croix. My aunt had a grated mango tree and the fruit of that tree was like 'food for the gods.'
My favorite that are available stateside, are the honey mangoes.
Thanks for sharing.
Teresa W. Teresa W.
3:29AM PDT on Aug 21, 2014
If only they were cheaper!
Elena T. Elena P.
8:23PM PDT on Aug 15, 2014
Thank you :)
Kanika Kohli Kanika K.
2:43AM PDT on Jul 23, 2014
In India Mangoes are not called Safeda as mentioned in the article. They are called "aam". Safeda is just one of the many varieties of Mangoes grown in the country. The word "Safeda" roughly translates to "white" which basically refers to the pale yellow almost whitish coloured skin of that Mango variety.
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my most favourite fruit is mango
8 Mar, 2015